May 192015

Brikho Family

Compassion is a trait that is sorely lacking in the world, according to former 9th District Republican Congressional Candidate George Brikho. That is why he is proud to be apart of a movement that is bringing much-needed compassion and wellness to the Metro Detroit region.

“I am proud to be apart of this,” Brikho said. “It is an honor to be apart of this revolution that will bring freedom, wellness and prosperity to all. Where government has failed, marijuana can succeed.”

Brikho says that a wellness revolution is developing that is bigger than all of us, and nobody, not even the government, can stop it.

“The government is powerless to stop this locomotive,” Brikho said. “The people know that medical marijuana is the real deal. The people are rightfully angry that the government kept this under wraps. The cat has left the bag. The genie has left the bottle, and there is no turning back.”

In addition to his gardening stores and Green Magic Gardens fertilizer line, Brikho has opened a medical marijuana provisioning center that is currently in operation right now. He will be opening another provisioning center in the weeks to come. In addition, he is working to ensure that the Michigan medical marijuana industry remains free from the heavy hands of government.

“I am working to lobby Lansing to apply rules for medical marijuana that make sense,” Brikho said. “There is no reason why we should be wasting criminal justice resources to punish patients and caregivers. This is a cruel and inhumane waste of taxpayer money, and it must stopped immediately.”

Since the people overwhelmingly chose to legalize medical marijuana back in 2008, state officials have stood in the way of democracy. Caregivers and patients have been unjustly targeted with many of them being harassed by law enforcement. The war on medical marijuana has continued in Michigan since ’08, and law-abiding citizens have had their lives destroyed as a result.

“Many ignorant people try to say that we are drug dealers. That is ridiculous,” Brikho said. “We are saving lives. We are providing quality medicine that the pharmaceutical companies cannot compete with. The government must evolve on marijuana policy quickly before more innocent people suffer.”

Evolution will not come easy. Governments are not typically quick to fix their mistakes, or admit that they have been wrong. Reversing course on marijuana would mean that decades of public policy were a failure. Activists like Brikho are there to make sure that the public is well-organized to make sure that government does not get in the way of this budding industry.

“Government has been wrong. Government has betrayed the public trust,” Brikho said. “Patients should make their own decisions on what medication works the best for them. They shouldn’t have their medical options dictated to them by some know-nothing bureaucrat. We are adding choice and freedom to the medical system, and I could not be more proud to do so.”

Brikho is Republican who stands for free markets, and not crony capitalism. He is working to promote an open market that will allow not just his family to prosper, but thousands of families to prosper as well by providing the best possible medicine to the patient for a reasonable price.

“We want as many families to make money as possible,” Brikho said. “We want to bring a lasting prosperity to destitute Detroit communities. I look at what has happened throughout this state and it breaks my heart. We don’t want corporate vultures to suck away all the money from the cash crop known as marijuana. We want it to go to the people.”

Brikho stands on the principles of freedom, and will bring that ethic to the medical marijuana marijuana industry and politics.

“I am in this for the long haul,” Brikho said. “We may be losing our freedom, but all hope is not lost. The marijuana movement gives me optimism. We will rebuild this country. I will not stop fighting until our national greatness is regained, and our Constitution is fully restored.”

For more information on George Brikho’s businesses, visit and

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