Another entrepreneur bites the dust. This time, the founder of ‘Happy’s Pizza’ is taking it good and hard from Uncle Sam. He is going to serve hard time, due to supposed crime of tax evasion.
According to a Forbes.com report, Happy Asker, the founder of the Detroit-based restaurant chain Happy’s Pizza, was convicted of “3 counts of filing false returns, 28 counts of aiding and assisting the filing of false returns for Happy’s Pizza franchises, and one count of engaging in a corrupt endeavor to obstruct and impede the administration of the Internal Revenue Code.”
Now it is time to pay the piper for Happy Asker. For merely wanting to live peacefully with the fruits of his own labor, federal goons will be caging him and committing armed robbery against him. Happy was sentenced to 50 months in prison, and will have to fork over $2.5 million to the Internal Revenue Service. Former 9th District Republican Congressional Candidate George Brikho sees this as a colossal injustice.
“I never met Happy personally, but this successful entrepreneur brought nothing but value to his community. He helped thousands of families make ends meet while providing goods and services that many found rewarding,” Brikho said. “That is why he is being punished. A message is clearly being sent. It’s apart of a war on those who provide a prosperity that is the life-blood of America.”
Brikho believes this is especially outrageous because of the unfair and capricious way the tax laws are enforced. Selective enforcement allows individuals to be targeted if they don’t have the right political connection. If an individual is politically connected, they are allowed to openly flout the law.
“This isn’t about taxes,” Brikho said. “Scumbags like Al Sharpton, who divide the races for profit, owe millions in taxes. It’s widely known that he owes a ton of loot to the feds. But he’s allowed to strut around without any repercussions. If Sharpton was a business owner like Happy or myself, he would be persecuted. But since he’s a leech and a race pimp and a piece of filth, he is above the law. This is the upside-down twilight zone that America has become under Obama and the globalists.”
A New York Times investigation uncovered last year that Reverand Al Sharpton owes more than $4.5 million in back taxes. But while Happy Asker is punished for his lack of payment, Rev. Sharpton is celebrated as a national community leader and given a seemingly endless numbers of platforms in the mainstream media to spread his divisive message of racial hatred.
This type of injustice is what made Brikho into a political activist in the first place. He runs for office to return normalcy to this once great country. A full restoration of America to its Constitutional principles including limited government and a respect for property rights are his ultimate goal.
“This country was founded by tax-hating revolutionaries who despised government tyranny,” Brikho said. “Many people act like Happy Asker is some kind of tax cheat or villain. They couldn’t be more wrong. He just wanted to keep the fruits of his labor, and he shouldn’t be demonized for that. It’s a wholly American idea.
“As a matter of fact, if nobody paid their taxes, the government wouldn’t be able to fund overseas terror groups, illegal spying, business-crippling regulations, bankster bailouts, trillions in corporate welfare, senseless marijuana prohibition, and other atrocities. It’s time that people adopt the mindset of the Founding Fathers rather than groveling beneath lowly bureaucrats. It might be high time for a tax revolt, or something even more extreme than that to take place!”
To Brikho, the case of Happy Asker is a tragedy that must not be forgotten. It represents that the American dream has been destroyed and twisted around into a cruel nightmare.
“When you are a man like Happy who is providing a good or service to the community, that is the debt you are paying back to society,” Brikho said. “Economic freedom is important. Nobody should have to give criminal thugs in Washington D.C. a piece of the action in order to provide jobs and goods and services to the community. It is nonsensical, and people who think they ‘pay their fair share’ when they fork over their taxes have been duped.”
“The good news though is that more people loathe these federal robbers and murderers than ever before,” Brikho said. “And that is the revolution that I am proud to organize and give a voice to within the political system. We aren’t going away, and God as my witness, we will succeed.”