I have watched President Donald Trump do many great things for our nation, but we need to make sure to stay on him so he does not go astray as many have within our corrupt political system. He is still a man, he is under an incredible amount of pressure, and we must pray for him as well as stay on him when he is making mistakes. This is how we can exert our power as political activists and help make America great again.
Right now, Trump is making a mistake by refusing to declassify certain government documents that would expose a tremendous amount of corruption at the FBI, Department of Justice and other deep state entities. These documents would reveal Bob Mueller’s special counsel investigation of Russian collusion to be a total farce, but Trump is hesitant to release them. The swamp is in Trump’s ear constantly, telling him that releasing the documents would destroy the prestige of the federal government. They are correct, but this is exactly what needs to happen.
The deep state, the military-industrial complex, the international financiers, the globalist cabal, the new world order, or whatever you want to call them are afraid of the sunlight. They operate under the cover of darkness and commit atrocities that we cannot even comprehend. The only way this system can possibly be reformed is for this information to be released to the public. They may say we can’t handle the truth, but we must challenge ourselves to be up to the task. Living in fear and ignorance is causing America a great spiritual and cultural rot.
There are unsolved questions about everything that is important in this country, and people don’t talk about it enough. We have been kept in the dark for too long. Going from JFK to Vietnam to 9/11 to Iraq and so on, we have never been told the truth about any major world event that takes place. We cannot be a dumb, servile, weak, pathetic people and expect for God to bestow us with the blessings of liberty. Trump may be our last chance to turn this around, but he must act wisely. He has done a lot for us, but far more is needed!
Trump has agitated against the powers-that-be magnificently. He has politicized the issue of the deep state and their treasure trove of secret documents frequently, something that no other politician except for Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is willing to do. He deserves credit for that, but he also deserves admonishment for going back on his word. He said he would release documents before the elections, and then recanted. Those documents could possibly have saved the 2018 mid-term elections, which were particularly bad in Michigan for Republicans.
Mr. President: This issue is NOT about scoring political points. It is not a political football you can kick down the road to get better deals for your administration. This is about righting the wrongs that have turned America from the greatest country in the history of the world to a laughingstock that cannot even perform the basic functions of a country. This is about our children’s future and whether they live in a world where truth and justice reign supreme. If Trump fails at draining the swamp and the permanent bureaucracy remains in place in Washington DC, America will NEVER be great again.
We must call upon him to act, and to declassify all documents that show us how the deep state violates our freedoms. Call the President at 202-456-1111 and urge him to declassify these crucial documents!
Thank you for caring about the future of your nation.
George Brikho