When my family came to America from Iraq, it was to escape political tyranny. They were able to practice their religion over there as Christians. They were able to live in relative peace. They were able to feed their children, but it wasn’t enough. My family yearned for their rights as citizens to have political representation, to have the freedom to say their conscience without persecution, to have the freedom to know their vote matters.
What I witnessed a little over a week ago at the hands of the Michigan Republican Party and Oakland County Republican Party was the vicious RAPE of every American value we hold dear. The majority, which I was apart of, had their convention thrown out after a minority, as apart of a coordinated plan directed by Jeff Sakwa, co-chair of the MIGOP, surrendered on their Party and threw in the towel on their civic duty. He bragged to me personally how the convention would have to be re-done. But since they were the clear minority, they knew they would lose again. So they just did it to us Saddam style: pure gangsterism. And anyone who tells you differently is committing a blood libel.
At least the tyrants in Iraq were more honest and open about what they trafficked in. When one of Saddam’s goons stripped away your freedoms, you knew because you were living under a dictator. The Iraqi people had a self-awareness that Americans do not of the situation that was facing them. The dictators of the Michigan GOP hide their evil behind lawyers, phony baloney rules, red tape, deceptions, and obfuscations. They conduct themselves in public life as if they have common decency, but when behind closed doors, they desecrate and pillage you.
Quite frankly, these individuals are demons locked in a war against the Republic. I am a firm believer in the Bible, and know those words to be the divine creation of our Lord. Yahweh said that end times would come, and they are facing us right now. After looking into the eyes of these people face-to-face, I can tell you for certain that they have no souls. In the end times, 2 Timothy 3:2 stated that the people would be “lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.” I’ve seen all of the above from these corrupt abusive Republicans, and I am willing to see these devils to the gates of Hell to vanquish them if need be.
I vow that I will never give up this immense battle that I have waged against political corruption, but I cannot BS you today. These is no putting on rose-colored glasses for this atrocity. The vermin of the GOP makes the Redcoats look like angels by comparison. We are going to have to make very tough decisions if we really want to reclaim our liberties. There’s no two ways about it. We have to look ourselves in the mirror, see what we are made of, and heed the call just as the Founding Fathers once did.
With that being said, there is one man who is such a chicken shit weasel that I need to call him out personally. This man is named Ron Dwyer.
Baghdad Bob has nothing on this coward, Ron Dwyer. He is a propagandist with no honor, a man with no courage or fortitude. A man who is so weak and little that he gleefully lets a few frigid old hags boss him around. He needs to bow to these worthless hags, who are petty tyrants, in a futile attempt to give his sorry life some meaning. The Founding Fathers would have smashed this man’s hideous pig face in with the butt of their rifle, and laughed at him as he choked and cried, not even willing to waste one bullet on such trash.
Ron, when I look at my family every night, I can be proud that I am doing everything that I can to make their lives more free. When you go to bed by yourself every night, you do so as a miserable unaccomplished little speck of dirt of a man. That’s why Barb Harrell uses you like a two-dollar whore. She gives you a pat on the head, fills your ear up with complete nonsense, and manipulates you as her pawn. And the most pathetic thing about you, Ron, is that you live to be a puppet. You live to carry water for tyrants.
Make no mistake about it, Ron: You will rot in hell when you die, and deservedly so. Try explaining away your avarice and cowardice at the pearly gates, buddy. You’re not even smart enough to con folks in internet groups, much less our Creator. Even your establishment cronies won’t defend you after your latest shameful attempt to defame grassroots patriots. They’ll soon realize what an albatross you are, and kick you to the curb before long. Then you’ll be completely alone – too much of a dumbass to even function as a lowly sycophant.
Feel free to come find me at a convention if you don’t like that I have exposed you and called you out for your crimes against liberty. My guess is you will quiver in your boots behind little women like you always do – because you have no balls, shitbag.