May 172023


The injustice within our system is becoming too much to bear. The Founding Fathers would have been burning down buildings and committing public acts of malice that make Jan. 6 look like a cake walk if they had to endure even half of this.

Where is our dignity? Where is our pride? Where is our self-respect? Are we really that docile and gelded that we will accept the most dehumanizing measures as long as we are distracted by our toys, our gadgets and our artificial debt-fueled prosperity?

What the righteous have to endure in this country is emblematic of the anti-Christian tyranny of Soviet Russia, where the communist thugs put dissidents into show trials and forced them to endure humiliation rituals in order to strengthen the Regime and put fear into others that they must submit or be subject to such hellish treatment.

Look at some recent examples.

President Donald Trump was “convicted” in civil court yesterday for defaming a woman who lied about being raped by him. This psychotic leftist woman, E. Jean Carroll, could not prove that she even met Donald Trump. She wrote a fantasy novel about how Trump came onto her years ago and has since been bankrolled by a billionaire Democratic operative to pursue a lawsuit against Trump. Carroll claimed Trump sexually assaulted her despite there being no evidence, no witnesses, and Carroll unable to give specific details about the incident (including the year in which it allegedly happened).

Video footage of the woman clearly shows she is deranged and far from credible:

And it turns out that New York Democrats changed the law last year to allow this frivolous lawsuit that would have never been permitted under normal legal precedent to move forward – with the help of Carroll herself!

“E. Jean actually helped to get that law passed,” Carroll’s lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, said. “It passed last year. We filed – it was Thanksgiving Day, the first day you could sue.”

So the state of New York changed the law so Trump could get sued, hit with ridiculous charges, and then slapped with the label of “sex predator” despite there being zero evidence of the allegations.

That is not just Soviet, but also Orwellian. It shows how far gone this country is, and how low our enemies are willing to stoop to destroy us. And this is far from the only recent example.

Look at what happened with members of the Proud Boys organization. The Proud Boys are a pro-Trump, right-wing group that will confront Radical Leftist groups like ANTIFA on the streets and beat their asses into the country. Of course, in Soviet America, the ANTIFA cowards are never charged or have their charges dropped during these encounters, while the Proud Boys are demonized and made examples of in the corrupt courts.

Several prominent Proud Boys leaders faced seditious conspiracy charges over Jan. 6, which was a mostly peaceful protest. Based off of the free speech of individuals who were not even known by the defendants, these Proud Boys leaders were convicted of sedition despite the fact that there was no evidence of any seditious conspiracy and the FBI has admitted that no insurrection ever took place.

Instead, the Court argued that there was an “unspoken” conspiracy by the Proud Boys to overthrow the government on Jan. 6, and the four Proud Boys leaders were responsible even though – factually speaking – they never arranged for any violence or any specific plot to take place.

Because of the incendiary words of other individuals who they did not even know personally, these four patriot leaders, including one man who was incarcerated at the time of the Jan. 6 rally, have been crucified by the corrupt Soviet legal system that has taken hold in the former land of the free.

And you can’t forget Alex Jones, the Infowars host and conspiracy icon, who is on the hook for billions, which may be upped to TRILLIONS, for questioning the official record of events on the Sandy Hook school shooting.

Jones has to pay billions for sharing his 1st Amendment-protected opinion on a current event. Meanwhile, the media officials who maliciously lied about weapons of mass destruction in the Iraq War, Trump being a Russian agent, COVID-19, or anything else won’t have to pay a dime. In fact, they are consistantly rewarded for their lies.

Based on the Alex Jones example, individuals who questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential elections may be the next to pay:

And it is not just an American problem. Look at Andrew Tate, a.k.a. Top G, who has broke through the mainstream matrix with a message of empowerment and hope for young males. He became a worldwide phenomenon because his philosophies were like an oasis in the desert against a gynocracy that seeks to have men subjugated and masculinity erased, in order to satisfy the neuroses and inadequacies of some uninteresting, less-than-fulfilling women.

Tate was imprisoned in Romania for months on human trafficking charges. Where was the evidence? It never existed. It didn’t matter. He was dangerous to the globalists in charge, and he had to be silenced and punished as a lesson to others that they better obey or else.

Several of Tate’s alleged victims came forward to attest to Tate’s good character, and eventually Tate was let out of jail, but he still remains under house arrest with the unsubstantiated charges hanging over his head, limiting his ability to travel and be a spokesman for men’s rights worldwide:

The message is clear: If you disobey the official narrative, if you dare to question the Regime’s official truth, your life will be destroyed. It is no different today than it was in Soviet Russia or Mao’s China.

The rule of law is dead. The Constitution has been raped. Our sacred birthright has been forcefully taken from us. Our heroic ancestors are spinning in their graves. The child-sacrificing, demon-worshiping, thieving, lying, son-of-a-whore globalists are laughing in our faces as their satanic New World Order comes to fruition.

It is not enough to support Trump’s re-election to the presidency in 2024. That, of course, is important, but we must not delude ourselves into believing that this system is salvageable. It is not. The line has been crossed. The domestic enemies have shown themselves. Their misdeeds are too heinous to be forgiven. They are an organized force of treachery at war with everything that is good and decent within our civilization. Many of them must meet a traitor’s fate, with a message sent to their underlings and followers that they will meet the same end unless they fall in line immediately.

Until we realize that we are at war, there is no hope of turning our once great nation around. We must unify with our communities. We must extend the olive branch to our fellow Americans of good character. We must bolster our numbers, for the day of reckoning is at hand. It is time to stand for good or stand for evil. Make a wise decision – because you will be facing great consequences in this life as well as the next for the decisions that you make at this impasse.

The end times are near. Choose wisely.

Your Friend
Big George

Mar 282023

The recent news of President Donald Trump’s indictment over an alleged payment to a hooker is dominating the news cycle as he is expected to be charged any day now.

Half the country is gung ho for Trump to be destroyed, hauled off in chains, thrown in prison and disgraced for the flimsiest reasons because they hate the man. They don’t care about equal justice under the law. They just want him gone because they hate what he stands for.

But if Trump is thrown in prison for greasing over this prostitute while his most recent predecessors remain free despite the heinous atrocities that they perpetuated, then the rule of law is truly dead in this country.

Where is the indictment for George W. Bush over the war crimes he committed in Iraq and Afghanistan? Bush dropped depleted uranium on the people of Iraq, causing birth defects and anomalies that have rivaled the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl. His indiscriminate bombing campaigns murdered scores of men, women and children. Now, he remains free and actually has the audacity to lecture us on the need for more civility in politics.

Where is the indictment for Barack Hussein Obama for his war in Libya that unleashed the hordes of savages upon Europe? Obama armed terror groups in the Middle East, including but not limited to ISIS, which not so coincidentally collapsed after he left office in 2016. He expanded the drone murder program throughout the world. Was there ever any accountability? Nope, Obama is revered like a God among half the country because the media covered for him relentlessly.

Why is Trump treated differently? Is it because he was the only president in decades who did not start a new war? Is it because he pulled the majority of troops from Syria instead of starting a new war there, undermining the goal of his predecessor Obama to start a war to overthrow Assad in Syria? Is it because Trump made peace with North Korea, something that was completely unfathomable and off the table for other presidents?

President Trump is the enemy of the military-industrial complex. President Trump stood up to the foreign policy establishment. President Trump could not be controlled by the deep state. This is why the system is after him. They know that if he is able to get back into office, he will continue on toward his America First agenda. With many of the frauds and fakers and charlatans falling by the wayside, Trump will undoubtedly be more effective in his goals than his first term, where he had to learn on the job.

This is why he is being persecuted. This is the new Soviet standard of justice that is being implemented in the former land of the free. If you serve at the altar of Satan, like the vast majority of government officials do in this country, you can lie, cheat, steal, rape, pillage, commit mass murder, do insider trading, destroy evidence, and revel in the most brazen acts of corruption, and you will be worshipped for it. But if you stand for righteousness, you will be crucified. Just like in the days of Jesus. Our wicked leaders put even the Sanhedrin to shame.

And it is not just America. It is all throughout the West where we see this happening. Heroic NSA leaker Edward Snowden, who fully exposed the evil and unconstitutional nature of the federal government’s spying operation, had to flee to Russia in order to be protected from reprisal from the deep state. Others have not been so lucky. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been apprehended and is set to be extradited to the U.S. for the crime of blowing the whistle and exposing the truth. My hero, “Top G” Andrew Tate, is being indefinitely detained for the “crime” of empowering men to not submit to feminized globalism.

This is a system of institutionalized injustice. I support Donald Trump, not because I am a blind follower. There have been policies he has supported, such as the Operation Warp Speed vaccine program, that I oppose. He listened to the American Mengele, Dr. Fauci, far too much during the pandemic. I do not like that he would not lock Hillary Clinton up as he promised on the campaign trail in 2016. He made some poor hiring decisions to staff his administration. He has been far from perfect. But he is the only man who strikes terror in the hearts of the enemies of liberty. He is the only man who can animate the public to awaken and fight the Big Brother regime that is threatening to snuff out freedom for mankind.

The bottom line is Trump is being persecuted because he is an individual who stands up to the New World Order. For that, he has my support, and he should have your support as well. If a political leader is not undergoing some kind of a witch hunt against them by the power elite, I don’t want anything to do with them. Trump is getting flak because he is over the target. May he be blessed as he runs for the presidency in 2024, and may his enemies suffer folly and ruin as they attempt to stop the rise of America First in this great country. God bless Trump, God bless the MAGA movement, and God bless the decent people of this country who stand for righteousness against demonic entities.

George Brikho