Republican Congressional Nominee George Brikho to Open Medical Marijuana Provisioning Center
Saving Lives While Bolstering Michigan’s Fragile Economic Recovery is Brikho’s Goal
9th District Republican Congressional Candidate George Brikho is moving forward with his plan to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Madison Heights, a move that he hopes will advance his political, humanitarian and entrepreneurial goals.
“I have witnessed lives being saved because of medical marijuana,” Brikho said. “I am proud of being involved in this business and this movement. It is not drug pushing, it is giving medicine to the sick. 63% of the Michigan voter’s voted in favor of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Bill. The Founding Fathers would have approved.”
Brikho credits medical marijuana for boosting the Michigan economy and points to his own story as proof of this claim. After being hurt in the wake of the 2008 economic crash, Brikho was able to rebuild his life by starting new businesses that sell fertilizer and growing supplies.
“In the marijuana industry, we are creating American jobs during a recession. There is a ripple effect that benefits all of society,” Brikho said. “Just think of the plumbers, electricians, construction workers, contractors, gardeners and so on. They all gain from this sustainable industry, and feed their families because of it. Suppressing marijuana is not only inhumane, but an economic disaster as well. Anything plastic can be made from Hemp”
Brikho recently took his message to WXYZ Channel 7 by participating in their ‘Democracy 2014’ interview series. During his exchange with Chuck Stokes, Brikho vigorously defended medical marijuana to a state-wide audience. In spite of its growing support, this is a message that is rarely heard from political candidates in the Republican Party.
“We as Republicans are missing out on this very important issue,” Brikho said. “It’s a freedom issue and my party doesn’t understand how marijuana can improve the economy and public health. There is no reason why we can’t do what Colorado has done in Michigan and throughout the whole country.”
“We are alienating ourselves from young people and minorities. Our opposition says that we are out-of-touch hypocrites who lack compassion, and we prove them right by refusing to embrace marijuana. I am fighting that type of influence in the Republican Party, to bring us into the 21st century,” Brikho said.
Brikho’s vision is a stark contrast from the Washington D.C. orthodoxy. Marijuana-based remedies to illnesses have been stunted for many years because of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) policy. The FDA and other federal bureaucracies have made it difficult for research and development to take place that could have greatly advanced the effectiveness and availability of medicinal marijuana.
“It is criminal that the FDA stands for corporate profits and keeps life-saving medicine out of the hands of the ill,” Brikho said. “I will fight this protectionist racket tooth-and-nail when I am elected Congressman. I will fight for this miraculous medicine to be developed to its greatest extent to heal as many ailments as possible.”
Marijuana can also reduce the nation-wide epidemic of pharmaceutical drug abuse. Millions of people are using psychotropic drugs, which can produce many harmful side effects. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released earlier this year, an excess of 10,000 children aged 2-4 are being prescribed these drugs. Brikho calls these type of laws and practices ‘insane.’
“How can we have the nerve to tell a veteran who has served our great Nation, who was maimed OR injured while serving, what pain medication’s he is allowed to take? Its madness, its profit over wellness” Brikho said.
“These insane policies are tearing at the moral fabric of America. Corporate and government collusion has kept perfectly good medicine out of the hands of the sick, and provided people with pills they don’t need in order to boost profit margins,” Brikho said. “This is an epidemic, and it must be stopped.”