9th District Republican Congressional Candidate George Brikho is ready to lead on the border security issue if he is elected in next week’s election, something that he says is lacking from both political parties.
“The Democrats want open borders to buy more voters with taxpayer money. The Republicans want open borders for corporations to exploit cheap labor and boost their profit margins. This is how bipartisanship works in Washington, and it makes me sick,” Brikho said.
Although Brikho is not opposed to immigration, as his parents came to this country from Iraq, he is opposed to rampant illegal immigration. The US-Mexico border situation is especially disgraceful and dangerous to the future of the country, he claims.
“My parents came over to this country legally,” Brikho said. “Immigration is a great thing as long as it is properly controlled and encourages assimilation. My family came over here to enjoy the bounty of freedom. Open-border madness only destroys our freedom, and the safety and security of our great nation.”
“People who want to come here should be allowed to come,” Brikho said. “It should be an easy, streamlined process. But rolling out the red carpet for criminals and vagrants to come from other countries with no accountability is absolute insanity.”
The stories coming out of the ongoing US-Mexico border crisis certainly speak to Brikho’s concerns. The situation seems to be getting progressively worse, and Washington D.C. is too preoccupied to do anything about the problem. Plagued with re-election concerns, Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill are hesitant to take bold, decisive action to fix the problem.
A recent USA Today report featuring data from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shows that illegal immigrants released from custody had been convicted of many crimes including homicide, sexual assault, drug trafficking and kidnapping. This happened in spite of the Obama administration constantly reassuring the public that the released immigrants posed no threat to public safety.
To make matters worse, the Associated Press reports that 70 percent of newly arriving immigrant families fail to report to federal immigration agents. This is contributing to the decay of the rule of law, and making a mockery of our immigration system. It is difficult for the public to trust in the government when the law is being openly flouted on a grand scale without any repercussions.
Reports have surfaced that families taking in immigrants can be paid up to $7,400 per person, according to a Breitbart News report. In the mean time, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are getting ready to issue as many as 9 million ID cards for newly arriving immigrants. All of this is happening while America has a struggling job market and an unprecedented debt level. According to Brikho, these policies are pushing America to the breaking point.
“This country is strained too much already,” Brikho said. “We have ISIS, Ebola, and all of these other things to handle. We cannot afford to give this money away when we are already broke. We are headed toward full-blown collapse if we don’t change our ways quickly.”
Brikho believes that there could be a far more sinister agenda at work than mere incompetence.
“The federal government is behind all of this,” Brikho said. “They want Americans to forget their traditions so they are easier to control. They want to sell out our national sovereignty to globalist bankers. When I get to Washington, I will fight the status quo. No more destroying American prosperity and freedom for any reason.”
According to another USA Today report, the Obama administration is working to allow undocumented immigrants to serve in the Armed Forces. This is occurring while American military prospectives are being turned away from service due to supposed budget cuts and over-staffing concerns. Once again, this shows that the federal government’s priorities are seriously misaligned.
In addition, independent journalist James O’Keefe highlighted America’s border insecurity by dressing up like a terrorist and successfully crossing the northern and southern border without any impediments. This proves that border security is not being taken seriously by politicians in Washington D.C. While they regularly invoke the terrorism bogeyman to call for more power and larger budgets, they do absolutely nothing to shore up real threats on our nation’s borders.
As border chaos poses a significant threat to national security, Congress approved $500 million to be dumped into a Syrian civil war in September. Places where the United States has intervened – such as Iraq and Libya – have become safe havens for the spread of dangerous radical Islam, and Christians have never been more persecuted and threatened. Meanwhile, our borders remain as porous as ever. This is a recipe for disaster, according to Brikho.
“The orchestrated take-down of America is absolutely dispicable, and I will do everything I can to fight it when I am in Washington. My opponent Sander Levin only cares about corporate kickbacks. He doesn’t care about keeping us safe. He is an oligarch, I am a small business owner and a family man. I will represent the people,” Brikho said.
USA Today, Oct. 22, 2014: “U.S. misinformed Congress, public on immigrant release”
Associated Press, Sep. 25, 2014: “US: Immigrant families fail to report to agents”
Breitbart News, Jul. 29, 2014: “Collect More Than $7,000 Per Month for ‘Fostering’ Adult Illegal Aliens”
USA Today, Sep. 25, 2014: “Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve”
Newsmax, Aug. 11, 2014: “Activist Dressed as Osama bin Laden Crosses Rio Grande Unimpeded”
FOX News, Sep. 18, 2014: “Congress approves mission to train, arm Syrian rebels”