Nov 152024

“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain

As the second Trump administration approaches, many positions that were once considered out of bounds or on the third rail are now mainstream.

Donald J. Trump was elected to the second term of his presidency surrounded by people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrats turned independents who are outspoken on the issues of health freedom and non-interventionist foreign policy.

RFK Jr. has spoken the truth about the toxic vaccines. He has connected the dots and implicated Big Pharma for their role in causing crippling disorders such as autism, cancer and diabetes among the youth, destroying the lives of millions of children.

RFK Jr. has also talked about the toxic food supply and how it is being peddled upon us to make us sick. We are being pumped full of garbage, mind bending Pharma pills, fluoride in the water, designed to make us compliant slaves as we march to get microchipped mark-of-the-beast style to be slaves for the New World Order.

Tulsi Gabbard has been a leader on the issue of foreign policy. She has called out the forever wars for not making Americans any safer. She has called out the defense contractors for making profits from the deaths of innocent children abroad. Gabbard has been a voice of reason in modern politics and the best advocate for peace in the political arena since the retirement of Congressman Ron Paul.

Gabbard is now serving in the administration as Director of National Intelligence where she can shit on all of the crooks and snoops who have been violating our 4th Amendment rights for decades. RFK Jr. is carrying heavy influence over the FDA, NIH, HHS and all the health-related bureaucracies to restore accountability.

Gabbard and RFK Jr. represent the next generation of the Republican Party. But before they made the switch from the Democrats to the Republicans, there was one man in the Party who was very loudly sounding the alarm on these issues: George Brikho.

When I ran for U.S. Congress in 2014, I too was an outsider. I saw how the entrenched powers-that-be make it hard for independent-minded reformers to gain traction. I was treated like a leper by country club Republicans who just wanted to eat their fancy steak dinners while the nation was bankrupted and our society was raped in front of us.

I stared eye to eye with the satanic forces that brought our nation to the brink of annihilation and biblical judgment. They thought they could intimidate me and force me out. They thought wrong. I stood proudly as the 9th Congressional District Republican candidate for U.S. House. I went up against entrenched Democrat Sander Levin and received zero support from the Republican establishment. I refused to play ball with those evil scumbags, a point of personal pride to this very day.

You see, if you are not the hand-picked puppet for the establishment, you will be drummed out of the Party. You will receive no support. They will try to demoralize and humiliate you. The establishment wants people who are controlled. They want weak men and women with no spine, or they want someone they have compromising information on in order to keep them following orders. Anyone who does not comply with this system is destroyed.

I was unable to beat Sander Levin because of the lack of support from the Republican Party. They would rather lose a seat than see someone get elected who they cannot control. Many good people have been prevented from obtaining office by Republicans who would rather Democrats get elected than have strong, liberty-minded Republicans who are independent and cannot be broken by the system.

It took a leader with unparalleled celebrity and balls of steel in Donald J. Trump to overcome the obstacles put into place by the corrupt establishment. And look at what Trump has had to endure: endless lies from the mass media propagandists, multiple assassination attempts, a deep state “Russian Collusion” hoax, a blatantly stolen election, countless phony indictments, mass repression against his supporters, and other indignities.

This is what must be overcome when you pose a threat to the globalist regime. But Trump has broken down those barriers. He has weakened the power structure. Now is the time to really dig in and attack. The enemies of America are vulnerable. Trump’s second victory, a vindication of everything he has done as a president and as a human being, has put Democrats and the globalists into a state of disrepair. 

The Democrats and the globalists don’t know what to do next. They have gone too far with their criminality. They have to continue with their corruption or else they will face justice in the streets like they should. Too many people know what is going on. Tens of millions of Americans stand with their proverbial torches and pitchforks in hand waiting for the galvanizing moment where they can take their country back, and no bureaucracy will hold them back from answering the clarion call of destiny.

I, George Brikho, vow to be one of the leaders on the front lines of this revolutionary movement for freedom. I pledge to build upon the successes of Donald J. Trump. Trump has created a movement that can resist and defeat a level of corruption that previously seemed insurmountable. I am willing to take that movement to the next level as soon as the moment comes. We stand on the precipice of history.

Because as much of a success Trump has been and he is one of the greatest presidents in our nation’s history, it will take more than just a successful election to restore order in our country. The Democrat and globalist enemy have engaged in the most vile desecration of everything that is sacred in our country. They have robbed us of our birthright. They have taken something sacred from us, and we cannot turn a blind eye to what has occurred.

Call it vengeance, call it retribution, call it justice, call it what you will. It must be done. The time is coming for rational civilized conservatives to do as their ancestors did once before them. It is time to put aside all of the conveniences of modern life and remember what matters: protecting your family, your community and your nation no matter the cost.

These are the animating, tumultuous times that the Founding Fathers told us would come, and I for one am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I am excited to defend freedom for my loved ones. I am excited to boldly expose corruption, forcing the hand of the wicked on behalf of the righteous. I am part of God’s army, and the wheat will soon be separated from the chaff. We will find out where we all stand, what we all are made of, and I am ready for the harvest. 

Together, we will vanquish all demonic forces and make tree of liberty blossom.

Will you join me?

George Brikho

Aug 272018

This past weekend, Sen. John McCain died of brain cancer. While I have sorrow for his family and his children on a purely human level, the way the mainstream media is attempting to turn this man into some kind of saint is beyond disgusting.

Putting aside McCain’s military service for a moment, let us look at what the man accomplished as a public official. He was apart of the Keating 5 scandal where McCain did the bidding of a bankster who defrauded Americans out of billions during his initial days in the Senate. He was barely able to survive this embarrassment early in his career.

But that paled in comparison to the biggest crime of McCain’s career: the War on Iraq.

President Donald Trump called George W. Bush’s war on Iraq one of the greatest blunders in history. He was not wrong, but he actually undershot the reality of the situation. It wasn’t just a blunder. It was a criminal act. It was the rape of a land. It was a genocide of Christians. It opened the door for radical Islam to take power. It resulted in millions of deformed children, destined to live their lives in extreme suffering due to depleted uranium being dropped upon their land by US bombers.

This was enabled because of the advocacy of John McCain. He – along with Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Mitch McConnell and Jeff Sessions – authorized this war that has yielded nothing but tragedy in return. A far-leftist, pro-communist, anti-American, extremist Islamic regime is coming into power in Iraq because of the democratic reforms that were put into place. It turns out bombing a country into oblivion turns that country against you.

Who thought it would be a great idea to bomb Iraq to Hell and then introduce democracy there afterwards? None other than Sen. John McCain, the man who is being called a hero by the fake news media right now! These facts are all conveniently forgotten by the liberal spin doctors, of course. The leftist gutter trash considers McCain a hero because he spent his final days – when he was deathly ill, mentally deranged and should have been resting and spending time with family – trying to derail the presidency of Donald Trump.

But McCain was never much of a family man – that is why he left the mother of his children who had waited for him while he was captive in Vietnam for a rich heiress. His first wife, Carol, had lost her attractiveness after suffering a car accident that nearly claimed her life. McCain left her in the dirt to help his political ambitions. He later called his new trophy wife a “c-nt” in front of a gaggle of reporters while hosting them on a massive yacht paid for with his wifey’s money. This is the man who is called a champion of decency and civility by the fake news media!

Now, let’s talk about his military service for a second. I love to honor our nations heroes, but never the ones who snitch and become a rat under the pressure. McCain was called “Songbird John” by his fellow Vietnam war veterans because he aided and abetted the enemy. He recorded propaganda recordings on behalf of the communist Vietnamese government. Those tapes were leaked many years later:

Only because of his admiral daddy’s connections was McCain ever to escape culpability for his real record in Vietnam. McCain’s actual record shows a self-centered, ruthless man who would tell any lie to get ahead. He committed seditious treachery to save his own ass in Vietnam, left a sick loyal woman who stood by his side in the dirt, and perpetrated a record of evil in the Senate that few can come close to matching. We must proclaim the truth and not deify a man who represented all that was wrong with America when he was alive. McCain was a globalist, a neoconservative, a warmonger and never put America first a day in his life.

McCain’s record is being whitewashed by the mainstream media as a ploy to hurt Donald Trump and weaken his presidency. Do not fall into their trap. We must stand strong, remember to put America first, and make sure that the legacies of public officials match what they accomplished when they were alive. McCain’s record was that of the swamp personified. He kicked and screamed to stop America from being made great again in his dying days, and he is likely paying a steep eternal price right now for his wicked behavior.