Dec 092024

Foreign mercenaries have taken over Syria and apparently deposed legitimate Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

The violent terrorists took power suddenly after years of being dormant. The same terrorists who did an uprising at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama last decade returned suddenly with a vengeance, and this time they have apparently been successful in ransacking Syria.

What does this mean? It means genocide for the native Christians of Syria. Churches will be ransacked, believers in Jesus are going to be beheaded and Christian women will be raped by the satanic butchers who have seized power.

I have defended Bashar al-Assad for the same reasons I defended Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Assad, like Saddam, used his heavy-handed rule to protect Christians. He allowed Christians to freely worship, and he kept extremists from butchering Christians in his country.

The new gang coming in charge are quite literally rebranded Al Qaeda. The leader of this gang is a U.S.-designated global terrorist. These are the people who supposedly did 9/11 and the worst terror attack on our nation in history. And now the mainstream media are telling us to be sympathetic toward these devils? This is more evidence our country is under demonic occupation.

These murderers claim to be Muslim but in actuality they are a creation of U.S. intervention and oppress the people they claim to be representing on behalf of foreign powers who control them. Barack Hussein Obama funded a $1 billion dollar secret war conducted by the CIA in Syria with the explicit goal of regime change. Much of this money went to an Al-Qaeda off-shoot, Al Nusra, as they attempted to overthrow Syria, causing a civil war in the process that destroyed most of the country. Al Nusra has since rebranded into HTS, the group that has overthrown Assad in Syria.

The state of Israel (“Our Greatest Ally”) has helped these Al-Qaeda fighters immeasurably and are already reaping the rewards. It is funny how if we believe the narrative, these are Muslim terrorists and yet they never attack Israel. In fact, the Times of Israel is doing propaganda pieces for these supposedly Muslim terrorists. As soon as Assad was driven from power, Israel came into Syria as a conqueror and took land just as they take land from Palestinians every day. It also seems odd that the countries that do not go along with the Zionist banking cartel and look out for the best interest of their own people, like Libya, Syria, Russia, Iran, etc., are the ones that are targeted for regime change. Those of us who mindlessly worship Israel and demand for billions to be sent there to sponsor war crimes need to wake up, stop being fools, and stop believing the nonsense they are fed on the TV.

They weren’t successful in 2014-2017 when they attempted their first coup against Assad. But the West has recently pumped billions into a proxy war with Russia over Ukraine, depleting Russian forces. Russia was an ally of Syria that helped the country from being taken over by US-backed terrorists. Similarly, Iran and Hezbollah have been under heavy attack from Israel, diminishing their ability to help Syria maintain stability.

This allowed Turkey, a nation that is currently heavily supporting an Azerbaijani genocide against Christian Armenians, to come in with their terror squads and take over Syria – no doubt with the backing and support of the U.S. and Israel. Once the Turkish-backed Al Qaeda terrorists take over, Christians will be on the hitlist along with the Kurds. The devastation will be monumental. It will be like Libya all over again.

Right now, there are people in America and across the West who are cheering on what has happened because they feel it hurts Iran and Russia. These people are monsters. These people are the enemies of mankind. And they will feel God’s wrath for the crimes against humanity they condone. The U.S. – which has earned the nickname of ‘Great Satan’ in many nations throughout the world – will be judged harshly for funding and subsidizing these crimes.

What the Christians of Syria need is prayer that they get safe passage out of their country into nations such as Russia that will respect their rights. If there were ever a righteous cause for refugees to be taken in by other nations, this would be it. Unfortunately, the globalist refugee industry only cares about laundering rapists, pedophiles and sex trafficked children across borders, not poor Christians who deserve refuge.

We must pray that Assad will someday soon be able to return home and once again take back his legitimate authority over Syria. We must pray that the U.S. and Israel proxy forces – the Al Qaeda terrorists – fail and falter in the weeks to come. We must pray that President Donald Trump, elected to the presidency to bring peace with great Middle Eastern support across Michigan, will be able to sever support for these Al Qaeda terrorists once he gets back into the Oval Office.

We are living in dark, sadistic, cruel times. The Al Qaeda regime in Syria will flood European countries with more violent extremists. It will become a safe haven for anti-American terror. Expect ISIS to make a resurgence. This will all continue until the foreign policy establishment receives justice. Until the foreign policy establishment is held accountable, these crimes will only continue to worsen until we are all bankrupt and our empire has fallen.

Accountability does not mean a harshly-worded letter, some rigged committee hearings, or a token firing of a scapegoat official. Accountability means many days at the gallows for the servants of the military-industrial complex. It means blood running freely in the streets of Washington D.C. The Founding Fathers knew – as they burned down buildings, scalded their enemies with hot tar, threw tea into the ocean and beat loyalists senseless in the streets – the true definition of accountability.

Let us rediscover the undoubtedly effective, authentically American way of dispatching government tyrants, and avenge the great Bashar al-Assad, the Lion of Syria, the Protector of Christians, and Defender of Civilization.


George Brikho