Dec 092024

Foreign mercenaries have taken over Syria and apparently deposed legitimate Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

The violent terrorists took power suddenly after years of being dormant. The same terrorists who did an uprising at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama last decade returned suddenly with a vengeance, and this time they have apparently been successful in ransacking Syria.

What does this mean? It means genocide for the native Christians of Syria. Churches will be ransacked, believers in Jesus are going to be beheaded and Christian women will be raped by the satanic butchers who have seized power.

I have defended Bashar al-Assad for the same reasons I defended Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Assad, like Saddam, used his heavy-handed rule to protect Christians. He allowed Christians to freely worship, and he kept extremists from butchering Christians in his country.

The new gang coming in charge are quite literally rebranded Al Qaeda. The leader of this gang is a U.S.-designated global terrorist. These are the people who supposedly did 9/11 and the worst terror attack on our nation in history. And now the mainstream media are telling us to be sympathetic toward these devils? This is more evidence our country is under demonic occupation.

These murderers claim to be Muslim but in actuality they are a creation of U.S. intervention and oppress the people they claim to be representing on behalf of foreign powers who control them. Barack Hussein Obama funded a $1 billion dollar secret war conducted by the CIA in Syria with the explicit goal of regime change. Much of this money went to an Al-Qaeda off-shoot, Al Nusra, as they attempted to overthrow Syria, causing a civil war in the process that destroyed most of the country. Al Nusra has since rebranded into HTS, the group that has overthrown Assad in Syria.

The state of Israel (“Our Greatest Ally”) has helped these Al-Qaeda fighters immeasurably and are already reaping the rewards. It is funny how if we believe the narrative, these are Muslim terrorists and yet they never attack Israel. In fact, the Times of Israel is doing propaganda pieces for these supposedly Muslim terrorists. As soon as Assad was driven from power, Israel came into Syria as a conqueror and took land just as they take land from Palestinians every day. It also seems odd that the countries that do not go along with the Zionist banking cartel and look out for the best interest of their own people, like Libya, Syria, Russia, Iran, etc., are the ones that are targeted for regime change. Those of us who mindlessly worship Israel and demand for billions to be sent there to sponsor war crimes need to wake up, stop being fools, and stop believing the nonsense they are fed on the TV.

They weren’t successful in 2014-2017 when they attempted their first coup against Assad. But the West has recently pumped billions into a proxy war with Russia over Ukraine, depleting Russian forces. Russia was an ally of Syria that helped the country from being taken over by US-backed terrorists. Similarly, Iran and Hezbollah have been under heavy attack from Israel, diminishing their ability to help Syria maintain stability.

This allowed Turkey, a nation that is currently heavily supporting an Azerbaijani genocide against Christian Armenians, to come in with their terror squads and take over Syria – no doubt with the backing and support of the U.S. and Israel. Once the Turkish-backed Al Qaeda terrorists take over, Christians will be on the hitlist along with the Kurds. The devastation will be monumental. It will be like Libya all over again.

Right now, there are people in America and across the West who are cheering on what has happened because they feel it hurts Iran and Russia. These people are monsters. These people are the enemies of mankind. And they will feel God’s wrath for the crimes against humanity they condone. The U.S. – which has earned the nickname of ‘Great Satan’ in many nations throughout the world – will be judged harshly for funding and subsidizing these crimes.

What the Christians of Syria need is prayer that they get safe passage out of their country into nations such as Russia that will respect their rights. If there were ever a righteous cause for refugees to be taken in by other nations, this would be it. Unfortunately, the globalist refugee industry only cares about laundering rapists, pedophiles and sex trafficked children across borders, not poor Christians who deserve refuge.

We must pray that Assad will someday soon be able to return home and once again take back his legitimate authority over Syria. We must pray that the U.S. and Israel proxy forces – the Al Qaeda terrorists – fail and falter in the weeks to come. We must pray that President Donald Trump, elected to the presidency to bring peace with great Middle Eastern support across Michigan, will be able to sever support for these Al Qaeda terrorists once he gets back into the Oval Office.

We are living in dark, sadistic, cruel times. The Al Qaeda regime in Syria will flood European countries with more violent extremists. It will become a safe haven for anti-American terror. Expect ISIS to make a resurgence. This will all continue until the foreign policy establishment receives justice. Until the foreign policy establishment is held accountable, these crimes will only continue to worsen until we are all bankrupt and our empire has fallen.

Accountability does not mean a harshly-worded letter, some rigged committee hearings, or a token firing of a scapegoat official. Accountability means many days at the gallows for the servants of the military-industrial complex. It means blood running freely in the streets of Washington D.C. The Founding Fathers knew – as they burned down buildings, scalded their enemies with hot tar, threw tea into the ocean and beat loyalists senseless in the streets – the true definition of accountability.

Let us rediscover the undoubtedly effective, authentically American way of dispatching government tyrants, and avenge the great Bashar al-Assad, the Lion of Syria, the Protector of Christians, and Defender of Civilization.


George Brikho

Aug 062018


I always try to keep a laser focus on foreign affairs because it is extremely important and very rarely will the fake news media actually give you the truth about what is happening overseas. This is especially true pertaining to Trump’s recent summit with Putin.

After US President Donald Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki last month, virtually every elitist of our entrenched political class hollered the same refrain. They whined about treason, or Russian collusion, or about Putin being a dictator, blah blah blah. They would rather see us go to war with Russia, which would probably be World War III, than see us work together with the country on shared strategic interests.

There were very few men with the courage to stand strong with the President for extending the olive branch in times when peace and the settling of tensions are desperately needed. None of those brave folks who stood with the President had a higher public profile than Sen. Rand Paul.

Rand Paul arrived in Russia today and continues his Moscow visit right now. He endured an incredible battery of threats and ridicule in order to make this trip. He was on the receiving end of two terrorist attacks from deranged leftists triggered into action by biased mainstream media coverage against the President, one of which could easily have taken his life. His trip to Russia is already yielding results and may go a long way toward rectifying the damage done by the deep state between the two nations.

Paul announced today that Russian lawmakers have agreed to visit the U.S. Capitol in the near future. Paul met with Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Russia Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the two men were able to come to that decision. They both believe that dialogue and engagement between the two nations are incredibly important. If we ever return to normalcy in our relations with Russia, we will owe Sen. Paul a great debt of gratitude.

Just like what happened in Iraq, the mainstream media launched a propaganda campaign to demonize Saddam Hussein so the deluded public would accept an aggressive, unnecessary war. They did the same thing to Muammar Gaddafi in the run up to his removal with an illegal war in Libya. They are maligning Putin not because of what he has done in the world. Truth be told, Putin’s crimes throughout the world pale in comparison to our own. We must remember the blood on our own collective hands before we unduly judge others.

The powers-that-be are calling Putin the next Hitler is because he stands against the globalist agenda, for his people, for the strength of his nation, and he is willing to ally with right-wing movements throughout the West who have similar goals. Putin may be heavy-handed in how he handles his business, but we regularly ally with authoritarian governments all the time. Just look at our long-standing allies in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, two Islamic dictatorships where Christians are tortured and open homosexuals are stoned. Putin and Trump have similar goals in stopping Islamic terror in the Middle East, and the nations’ economies are very much intertwined in the global economy.

Why should both countries not be safe and prosperous? Former President Obama was unable to secure electoral integrity back in 2016, and of course, those along with all other Obama-era disasters should be corrected. It is our responsibility to stop electoral meddling, just as it is Russia’s responsibility to stop any electoral meddling that the United States does. We should not sabotage diplomacy over espionage that is frankly routine and clearly had no impact on the actual result of the 2016 election.

Just listen to Obama himself explain how the 2016 election could never be rigged, not in a million years:

This is one of the rare cases where I agree with the former President. Trump won fair and square, and an alliance between Russia and the US should not be sabotaged because of the whining of sore losers. Protecting and strengthening the West is more important than satisfying the unstable emotions of crybaby Democratic cowards unwilling to accept responsibility for their own massive failure in 2016. That is exactly what Putin and Trump intent to accomplish, and these two leaders actually have the king-sized balls to pull it off.

Rand Paul is supporting the President and making it easier for him to pull off his heroic foreign policy agenda. We are finally defeating the neocons and returning to a policy of engagement rather than beligerence. This is what we hoped for when we were apart of the Ron Paul revolution. I would recommend all supporters of Rand and his father to rally around President Trump as he does incredible work overseas. Rand Paul could ultimately become the successor of Trump, continuing his legacy, building upon his foreign policy, and finally bringing the troops home from overseas in 2024. This is how we regain the lost momentum of the liberty movement!

Image result for rand paul and trump

Time to come together and unify around making America great again. We will unite around Trump in the homeland while Russia and the United States unite to make Western Civilization great again!

Jul 042018

The mainstream media is now up in arms as US President Donald Trump gets ready for a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin later this month. Those poor souls who are glued to the idiot box think this is a horror. This hysterical propaganda beamed out into the minds of unsuspecting Americans is supposed to make us believe it is the 1950s again, the Cold War is back on, and the red menace is out of control. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This propaganda can only be believed by desperate fools with no concept of the American foreign policy status quo. In actuality, Russia is heading in the right direction – toward free markets and toward a strong nation while embracing traditionalism and rejecting degeneracy. Like Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, Putin stands firmly for his people and that is why they love him or it. Putin will not sell his people down the river at the behest of a global cabal of thieves, murderers and pedophiles. He is a natural ally for Trump, as the men share many strategic goals.

The goal that is most important for both of these men to achieve during their summit is peace in Syria. The last time that Putin and Trump ‘colluded’ was in Syria to defeat ISIS. After Trump reversed the policy enacted by Barack Hussein Obama that was funneling the weapons into the hands of terrorists in Syria, ISIS was quickly dispatched. As a result, the Syrian regime under Assad was strengthened and the Christians of Syria will continue to get safe haven. The genocide of Christians has been thwarted, and radical Islam has been repelled.

Of course, there were many casualties in Syria during the civil war. Many people lost their lives fighting to run ISIS and other terror groups out of the region. The Russian and American forces who dropped many bombs certainly contributed to that carnage, and that cannot be discounted. War is hell, and blood is on the hands of everyone who participated. The United States – who propped up Al Queda and ISIS in Syria under the Obama regime – committed atrocities. But now, we have the chance to finally do the right thing under President Trump. We finally have the chance to reverse course. This is the miracle we have all prayed for.

Nevertheless, it has been a rocky road with the Trump administration. President Trump has advisors such as General John Kelly, General James Mattis and Bush-era neocon John Bolton who are constantly in his ear telling him to keep troops in the Middle East. Trump has even flirted with arming the Kurdish rebels in Syria, which has sent our strategic partner Turkey into a frenzy as a result. Trump even recently continued the funding of the White Helmets, the Al Queda re-brand that gets a Hollywood propaganda push to support terror groups in the Middle East. These are missteps that the President quickly needs to remedy if he wants to truly reverse the damage caused by Obama, Clinton and Bush.

Trump’s policies have been far from consistent, and he has certainly made mistakes. Trump’s instincts are sound though. He knows these Middle Eastern wars are nonsense and has expressed those sentiments many times. He called the Iraq War the worst disaster in history. I can affirm from the experiences of my own family and friends that Trump tells the truth in that assessment. His natural instincts are to spend money on American interests and stay out of foreign entanglements. His recent shocking progress toward peace in North Korea shows Trump’s diplomatic brilliance and iron will.

Trump needs to duplicate that iron will when dealing with Putin. He needs to muster the courage to ignore his establishment-leaning advisors and come together in a show of strength with his Russian counterpart. He needs to announce peace in Syria, and work with Putin to make sure that Iran comes together with the US to make a new deal. A new deal where Iran is actually made to comply with the terms unlike last time. This way, we can ensure safety in the Middle East without resorting to another bloody, costly and counter-productive war.

The globalist elite will do everything they can to sabotage Trump and his diplomatic efforts, of course. They will stage false-flag attacks and blame Assad for them. They will make up lies, cast aspirsions, fake poisonings, use children as political props, and anything else they can imagine in order to keep the US presence in the Middle East. Genocide is their business. Dropping bombs onto wedding parties and funeral processions is their modus operandi. Keeping the war machine going for whatever reason – on behalf of the defense contractors, the deep state, DoD bureaucrats, and other vulturous interests who feed from the military-industrial complex – is their goal.

Trump has a chance to throw a wrench into this satanic system with the world’s most powerful and respected leader by his side. He must take this opportunity and strike while the iron is hot. As we saw with President John F. Kennedy who tried to take on the CIA and Deep State of his day, Trump’s time as President may be limited. He must not hesitate in establishing a lasting peace in Syria. This can be his enduring legacy – far better than anything any President has done in a generation. The two leaders are expected to meet on July 16 in Helsinki, Finland.

ACTION ALERT: Call President Trump’s office and urge him to work toward peace in Syria at 202-456-1111.


Apr 092018


I have to alert you today about the atrocities that are happening in Syria right now.

Bashir al-Assad, the long-time President of Syria, was locked into a war against outsiders. These foreign terrorist groups were being armed with American taxpayer dollars by the CIA at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama to lay Syria to waste and make it a haven for radical Islam. ISIS was growing because of these policies. As soon as Trump became President, he reversed these policies. This allowed Russia to pulverize ISIS into oblivion.

ISIS is virtually wiped out because of the actions of President Trump, Vladimir Putin and Bashir al-Assad. God bless these three men and their heroism. They may not receive peace prizes in this evil world, but they will receive their glory in the next life.

Sadly, the fight is not over. There are interests out there – whether you want to call them the globalists, the deep state, the military-industrial complex, the banksters, or whatever – who want Syria to be laid to waste. They want a genocide in Syria like what happened in Libya. They want atrocities to happen in Syria like what happened in Iraq. All so they can line their pockets with blood money in the midst of the ruins.

The Syrians have suffered enough, and over this weekend, there was a false flag attack in their country. Although it was not covered by the western media, the Russians warned of the false-flag attack weeks in advance. The chemical attack happened in the region of Ghouta where they claimed the event would happen, bolstering the credibility of Russia’s prediction. The alleged incident was reported by the “White Helmets,” which is nothing more than a re-branded division of Al Queda.

World War III almost started today after Israel bombarded Syria, targeting Syrian and Iranian forces in the attack. Trump has vowed retaliation against Syria for unproven chemical attacks, and he has apparently bought into the lie this time around. This is the Cuban Missile Crisis all over again. The world is in peril, and we must not fall for the deception once more. We must not be drawn into another illegal, immoral, senseless war in Syria.

The Christians of the world must speak out and take action! Bashir al-Assad protects Christians from genocide in Syria. He is a secular leader who fights radical Islam. We owe him a debt of gratitude for fighting and defeating ISIS so valiantly. We cannot allow our corrupt media elites and deep state government officials to slander him, frame him for attacks that he clearly did not commit, and use that lie as a pretense to go into another war.

CHRISTIANS, IT IS TIME TO STAND UP! We have to stop an atrocity that will directly harm Christians. Christians in Iraq were ethnically cleansed from their lands following the War in Iraq. Libya went from Africa’s top country to a haven for human trafficking, terrorism, slavery and child abuse. We cannot allow that to happen in Syria. Please tell others about these facts I have brought to light and call President Trump.

Call President Donald Trump at 202-456-1111 and urge him to resist the propaganda. Tell him to stick to his instincts. He wanted to leave Syria a week ago, and now this false-flag attack has made him reconsider his initial decision. Tell him you voted for him to stand strong against the swamp, not to succumb to it. This is a make-or-break moment, and we need to tell Trump to stand for Syrian Christians and their protector Assad against the deep state and the war party. The future of the Western world may depend upon it!

George Brikho