Nov 032014
This year’s election season is demonstrating the disconnect between Washington D.C. and the rest of America like never before. While more people are discontent than any time in our nation’s history, the politicians are up to their same old tricks. This behavior is on full display from beltway veteran Sander Levin. In a recent interview with WXYZ-Channel 7 for their ‘Democracy 2014’ series, Levin showed his tone-deaf arrogance and repeated the banal talking points that we are used to hearing from our unethical political class.
Levin started the interview by defending his vote for the bailout of General Motors, now rapidly moving their operations to China after taking billions in taxpayer dollars, as being responsible for Michigan’s supposed economic recovery. He then claimed that more revenues, which is a euphemism used by cowardly politicians for taxes, are needed to fix Michigan’s roads. In perhaps his most ridiculous statement, he had the nerve to say that he just needs more time in Congress to fix America’s many problems. If he hasn’t been able to fix them in over three decades, why would he do so in the next two years?
We have already had plenty of time to see what Levin is all about, and it’s not pretty. America has gone from the Land of the Free to a rapidly-decaying, bankrupt police state. When Sander showed up, the debt was around $1 trillion. It has grown to $17 trillion under his stewardship. Levin has been no voice in the wilderness arguing against this profligate spending. On the contrary, he has been one of the leading cheerleaders for the growth of out-of-control government and always has been happy to funnel the loot into the pockets of corporations, unions and other monied special interests.
Let us consider Levin’s voting record. Levin voted against the repeal of the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA, which allow Americans to be kidnapped and held without due process if they are merely suspected of terrorism. He voted for Obamacare, the infamous insurance company bailout disguised as health care reform. He voted to re-authorize the FISA Courts, which serve as a rubber stamp for the invasive, illegal, unconstitutional NSA spying program. He voted against removing troops from Libya, which eventually led to the Benghazi disaster. He voted to arm Syrian Jihadists with $500 million in taxpayer money. He voted for the TARP bailouts that used taxpayer money to bail out criminal corporate banks that defrauded the American people.
Those are just some of Levin’s most recent abysmal votes. Throughout his long tenure in Washington D.C, Levin has been a chief architect in the destruction of America. Virtually every piece of bad legislation over the past 30 years has received the OK from Levin. If the legislation caters to big money corporate interests, Sander will likely give it his wholehearted approval. If the legislation wastes taxpayer money, it will assuredly have Sander’s support. If the legislation destroys the civil rights and liberties of Americans, you can bet your bottom dollar that Sander will be its proponent.
We have a crisis of leadership in America. While families were busy minding their own business and working hard to put food on the table, our nation was being sold out to the highest bidder. There is certainly a lot of blame to go around. Many of our institutions have failed us to a certain degree, but none more so than Congress. That is why their approval rating is permanently in the toilet. There is one particular Michigan Representative who embodies everything that is wrong with Washington D.C. He combines deceit, treachery, hubris, avarice and corruption like few other bureaucrats. He has sold you and your family’s freedom to the highest bidder, and his name is Sander Levin.
He says that if you just give him more time, he’ll make it all better. 32 long years wasn’t enough. Give him another term, and then he’ll get it right. This is exactly the type of nonsense that the American people are fed up with. The elitist political establishment thinks that they can just spew empty, mindless rhetoric to the public, and they’ll lap it up. Well, the time for that to change is now. The people of the 9th Congressional district actually have a choice this time around. They can support more of the same, the man who has repeatedly betrayed America with his voting record, or they can support a man of the people – George Brikho.
9th District Republican Party Congressional Candidate George Brikho is a small business owner and a family man. He is not a career politician. He is an independent, and refuses to take orders from party bosses. He understands how important it is to keep America free. A Chaldean-American, his family emigrated from Iraq to America to seek refuge from political oppression. Because of the freedom that America provides, his family built a life for themselves. Brikho understands how politicians like Sander Levin are putting Americans into bondage with their reckless, inconsiderate, devastating policies. He will do everything in his power to stop them if he is elected.
Voters, ask yourselves these important questions before Nov. 4: Isn’t it time to try something new? Hasn’t business as usual failed our country? Where has the country gone during the last 32 years? We must ask ourselves these tough questions. Our leadership has failed us. Sander Levin has been an integral part of that leadership. He didn’t have the courage to stand against the tide of tyranny that is enveloping our country. He helped to usher it in with his terrible voting record. Now it is time to make him pay. Now it is finally time to take out the trash. We need a new era of politics in Washington D.C. and that begins with sending a good man to Congress. Vote your conscience on Tuesday, and elect George Brikho in the 9th District.