Nov 032014
The 9th District Republican Nominee Believes that Arming Islamic Radicals is the Wrong Way to Promote Christian Values
As Washington D.C. politicians endlessly spout hubristic fantasies about remaking the Middle East to promote freedom and democracy, they offer very little in terms of results. The region is less free than ever, and Christians are being persecuted like never before.
9th District Republican Congressional Nominee George Brikho lays the blame squarely on the shoulders of our public servants, and more specifically the President and the Congress that always seem to be looking for terrorists to arm and bombs to unleash.
“Republican and Democratic leadership has failed us,” Brikho said. “I am an independent voice. I do not want to be apart of the good old boys club. I want America to succeed, and I don’t want to see us go completely bankrupt because of insane foreign policies that endanger our nation and the world.”
The world has never been a more dangerous place for Christians. According to a Mathrubhumi report, 120,000 Christians have been forced to flee from their homes in Iraq to Kurdistan. This ethnic cleansing has been aided and abetted by senseless and destructive American policies, according to Brikho.
“The John McCain-Barack Obama approach to foreign policy has failed us,” Brikho said. “They are desperately working to dispose Assad in Syria. Without Assad in power, radical Islam would reign. Christians would be slaughered at record numbers. The warmongers in both parties put Christians in grave danger with their bloodlust.”
The United States authorized $500 million to bolster supposedly moderate rebels in Syria back in September. Some of this aid has already been confirmed as being intercepted by ISIS forces, according to a Daily Beast report. Washington D.C. has not been able to prove that they can keep the aid out of the hands of the extremists, in spite of rhetoric to the contrary.
“There are things we can do besides arm terrorists,” Brikho said. “We could help secular rulers like Assad who are friendly to Christians. We can support the Kurds. We can welcome Christian refugees into America who are fleeing persecution. These options make much more sense than what we are doing right now.”
America has started an aggressive Syria bombing campaign as well. According to a report from the Independent, American forces are expected to start the widespread bombing of Syrian oil pipeline infrastructure. This could cause untold damage to the prosperity of the Syrian people therefore creating more animosity toward America and sending people into the arms of ISIS and other radicals.
“My family comes from Iraq. I know Saddam was brutal and repressive,” Brikho said. “But he kept radical Islam in line. He wouldn’t tolerate forces like ISIS. Now Iraq is in chaos and that is fostering the rise of ISIS and other militants. This is directly due to the war on Iraq.”
Many Republicans have blamed President Obama for all of this cause because of his foreign policy decisions. While there is some truth to their claims, it was Bush’s ill-conceived War on Iraq that was the primary enabler of the ongoing persecution of Christians in the region. It created a power vacuum that has been filled by radical Islam. All of Bush’s promises about the war have not come to fruition.
“The Republican establishment pays cheap lip service to Christian values, and then they support arming terrorists across the world,” Brikho said. “I will be the champion for life around the world. I will fight for persecuted Christians, and to give them a safe haven. I will not sell out Christian values for political power like so many in my party have.”
1. Mathrubhumi, Aug. 8, 2014 – “Pope Francis to send cardinal to Iraq”
2. Daily Beast, Oct. 11, 2014 -“U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS”
3. The Independent, Oct. 23, 2014 – “War on Isis: US ‘planning to bomb oil pipelines’ to halt jihadists’ funding”

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