I would like to thank everyone who supported me in my campaign. None of this could of been possible without your blessings and prayers, I would like to be clear, I believe my accomplishments are a victory in itself, their is no reason for anyone to think the results of the election were disheartening, I received the highest percentage points then any other Republican Candidate in the past 20 years, without one ounce of help from the Michigan Republican Party. It was the greatest time of my life “I am the happiest man on earth” in fact I am on cloud nine right now.
I am very happy to know that I sparked the minds of many and to that I am proud. I took on the elite, the powerful, head on with no hesitation or fear, because I fear no man, I only fear my GOD.
It feels awesome to know that a man like me who has never ran for any elected position, accomplished what I accomplished and did what I did.
I have come further then many before me, I am proud, I make my family proud.
I could of ran for a low level position like state rep but I felt going to Washington would serve us better, I will never give up.
To all you well wishers ” I LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART”
Thank you!!
I will be running for Congress in Michigan’s Ninth District in 2016, I will never give up on my family, your families, or our country.
Long live Liberty
God bless the United States of America.
George Brikho