I am always an outspoken critic of our nations’ politicians in both political parties. I feel that they are madmen who are out to devastate the Constitutional rights of all of us, and have brought death and destruction to innocent Christians in the Middle East. However, I must give credit to one of them for speaking out and saying the plain truth. I am talking about Virginia Republican State Senator Richard Black.
Senator Black recently wrote an open letter to Syrian thanking him for shielding Christians from persecution in Syria. He thanked President Assad for fighting ISIS and foreign Jihadists as well. This may not be a popular stance to take. This may not be politically correct to say, but I am sure glad he said it. The American war machine and its propaganda have demonized Assad, but it is all lies. He is the best thing for Syria right now, especially considering the other options.
In a world gone mad, Assad provides shelter for persecuted Christians. He deserves praise for doing so. ISIS would have the Christians raped, tortured, mutiliated and slaughtered. The Al Queda-affiliated ‘moderate’ forces who Obama and the neocons support so passionately would not treat Christians as well as Assad has. The butchers in Washington D.C. hate Christianity, and do not want to see it thrive in the Middle East. That is why they demonize Assad and attempt to overthrow him.
I wish more politicians had the courage of Senator Black who speaks earnestly and doesn’t care about the repercussions. That is the type of courage I will demonstrate if I ever am fortunate enough to serve you in public office. I will not hesitate to call out any politician, whether they are Republican or Democrat, if they put Christians in danger in the Middle East. I will not tolerate that type of evil for one second, and will follow in the heroic state senator’s footsteps.
George Brikho