I have to alert you today about the atrocities that are happening in Syria right now.
Bashir al-Assad, the long-time President of Syria, was locked into a war against outsiders. These foreign terrorist groups were being armed with American taxpayer dollars by the CIA at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama to lay Syria to waste and make it a haven for radical Islam. ISIS was growing because of these policies. As soon as Trump became President, he reversed these policies. This allowed Russia to pulverize ISIS into oblivion.
ISIS is virtually wiped out because of the actions of President Trump, Vladimir Putin and Bashir al-Assad. God bless these three men and their heroism. They may not receive peace prizes in this evil world, but they will receive their glory in the next life.
Sadly, the fight is not over. There are interests out there – whether you want to call them the globalists, the deep state, the military-industrial complex, the banksters, or whatever – who want Syria to be laid to waste. They want a genocide in Syria like what happened in Libya. They want atrocities to happen in Syria like what happened in Iraq. All so they can line their pockets with blood money in the midst of the ruins.
The Syrians have suffered enough, and over this weekend, there was a false flag attack in their country. Although it was not covered by the western media, the Russians warned of the false-flag attack weeks in advance. The chemical attack happened in the region of Ghouta where they claimed the event would happen, bolstering the credibility of Russia’s prediction. The alleged incident was reported by the “White Helmets,” which is nothing more than a re-branded division of Al Queda.
World War III almost started today after Israel bombarded Syria, targeting Syrian and Iranian forces in the attack. Trump has vowed retaliation against Syria for unproven chemical attacks, and he has apparently bought into the lie this time around. This is the Cuban Missile Crisis all over again. The world is in peril, and we must not fall for the deception once more. We must not be drawn into another illegal, immoral, senseless war in Syria.
The Christians of the world must speak out and take action! Bashir al-Assad protects Christians from genocide in Syria. He is a secular leader who fights radical Islam. We owe him a debt of gratitude for fighting and defeating ISIS so valiantly. We cannot allow our corrupt media elites and deep state government officials to slander him, frame him for attacks that he clearly did not commit, and use that lie as a pretense to go into another war.
CHRISTIANS, IT IS TIME TO STAND UP! We have to stop an atrocity that will directly harm Christians. Christians in Iraq were ethnically cleansed from their lands following the War in Iraq. Libya went from Africa’s top country to a haven for human trafficking, terrorism, slavery and child abuse. We cannot allow that to happen in Syria. Please tell others about these facts I have brought to light and call President Trump.
Call President Donald Trump at 202-456-1111 and urge him to resist the propaganda. Tell him to stick to his instincts. He wanted to leave Syria a week ago, and now this false-flag attack has made him reconsider his initial decision. Tell him you voted for him to stand strong against the swamp, not to succumb to it. This is a make-or-break moment, and we need to tell Trump to stand for Syrian Christians and their protector Assad against the deep state and the war party. The future of the Western world may depend upon it!
George Brikho