Nov 152024

“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain

As the second Trump administration approaches, many positions that were once considered out of bounds or on the third rail are now mainstream.

Donald J. Trump was elected to the second term of his presidency surrounded by people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrats turned independents who are outspoken on the issues of health freedom and non-interventionist foreign policy.

RFK Jr. has spoken the truth about the toxic vaccines. He has connected the dots and implicated Big Pharma for their role in causing crippling disorders such as autism, cancer and diabetes among the youth, destroying the lives of millions of children.

RFK Jr. has also talked about the toxic food supply and how it is being peddled upon us to make us sick. We are being pumped full of garbage, mind bending Pharma pills, fluoride in the water, designed to make us compliant slaves as we march to get microchipped mark-of-the-beast style to be slaves for the New World Order.

Tulsi Gabbard has been a leader on the issue of foreign policy. She has called out the forever wars for not making Americans any safer. She has called out the defense contractors for making profits from the deaths of innocent children abroad. Gabbard has been a voice of reason in modern politics and the best advocate for peace in the political arena since the retirement of Congressman Ron Paul.

Gabbard is now serving in the administration as Director of National Intelligence where she can shit on all of the crooks and snoops who have been violating our 4th Amendment rights for decades. RFK Jr. is carrying heavy influence over the FDA, NIH, HHS and all the health-related bureaucracies to restore accountability.

Gabbard and RFK Jr. represent the next generation of the Republican Party. But before they made the switch from the Democrats to the Republicans, there was one man in the Party who was very loudly sounding the alarm on these issues: George Brikho.

When I ran for U.S. Congress in 2014, I too was an outsider. I saw how the entrenched powers-that-be make it hard for independent-minded reformers to gain traction. I was treated like a leper by country club Republicans who just wanted to eat their fancy steak dinners while the nation was bankrupted and our society was raped in front of us.

I stared eye to eye with the satanic forces that brought our nation to the brink of annihilation and biblical judgment. They thought they could intimidate me and force me out. They thought wrong. I stood proudly as the 9th Congressional District Republican candidate for U.S. House. I went up against entrenched Democrat Sander Levin and received zero support from the Republican establishment. I refused to play ball with those evil scumbags, a point of personal pride to this very day.

You see, if you are not the hand-picked puppet for the establishment, you will be drummed out of the Party. You will receive no support. They will try to demoralize and humiliate you. The establishment wants people who are controlled. They want weak men and women with no spine, or they want someone they have compromising information on in order to keep them following orders. Anyone who does not comply with this system is destroyed.

I was unable to beat Sander Levin because of the lack of support from the Republican Party. They would rather lose a seat than see someone get elected who they cannot control. Many good people have been prevented from obtaining office by Republicans who would rather Democrats get elected than have strong, liberty-minded Republicans who are independent and cannot be broken by the system.

It took a leader with unparalleled celebrity and balls of steel in Donald J. Trump to overcome the obstacles put into place by the corrupt establishment. And look at what Trump has had to endure: endless lies from the mass media propagandists, multiple assassination attempts, a deep state “Russian Collusion” hoax, a blatantly stolen election, countless phony indictments, mass repression against his supporters, and other indignities.

This is what must be overcome when you pose a threat to the globalist regime. But Trump has broken down those barriers. He has weakened the power structure. Now is the time to really dig in and attack. The enemies of America are vulnerable. Trump’s second victory, a vindication of everything he has done as a president and as a human being, has put Democrats and the globalists into a state of disrepair. 

The Democrats and the globalists don’t know what to do next. They have gone too far with their criminality. They have to continue with their corruption or else they will face justice in the streets like they should. Too many people know what is going on. Tens of millions of Americans stand with their proverbial torches and pitchforks in hand waiting for the galvanizing moment where they can take their country back, and no bureaucracy will hold them back from answering the clarion call of destiny.

I, George Brikho, vow to be one of the leaders on the front lines of this revolutionary movement for freedom. I pledge to build upon the successes of Donald J. Trump. Trump has created a movement that can resist and defeat a level of corruption that previously seemed insurmountable. I am willing to take that movement to the next level as soon as the moment comes. We stand on the precipice of history.

Because as much of a success Trump has been and he is one of the greatest presidents in our nation’s history, it will take more than just a successful election to restore order in our country. The Democrat and globalist enemy have engaged in the most vile desecration of everything that is sacred in our country. They have robbed us of our birthright. They have taken something sacred from us, and we cannot turn a blind eye to what has occurred.

Call it vengeance, call it retribution, call it justice, call it what you will. It must be done. The time is coming for rational civilized conservatives to do as their ancestors did once before them. It is time to put aside all of the conveniences of modern life and remember what matters: protecting your family, your community and your nation no matter the cost.

These are the animating, tumultuous times that the Founding Fathers told us would come, and I for one am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I am excited to defend freedom for my loved ones. I am excited to boldly expose corruption, forcing the hand of the wicked on behalf of the righteous. I am part of God’s army, and the wheat will soon be separated from the chaff. We will find out where we all stand, what we all are made of, and I am ready for the harvest. 

Together, we will vanquish all demonic forces and make tree of liberty blossom.

Will you join me?

George Brikho

Jan 052024

As a follower of Christ, we are a religion that above all preaches love and peace. None of us are perfect. I believe that in Jesus’ name we must call out corruption and evil very loudly and very boldly. My approach may be too much for some. I do not mean to offend, but I will in order to get a point across.

But more than anything, we must speak out against the death of the innocent. We are compassionate and sympathetic on behalf of life. A recent comment made by a rapper Macklemore really spoke to my concerns.

I am not big on celebrities making political messages, but his most important point is that people against the violence in Gaza should never be labeled as “anti-Semitic.” This is the most foul form of war propaganda imaginable. It is designed to shut people down, stop them from speaking their conscience, and keep the war machine going.

We saw a similar situation manifest after the 9/11 terror attacks. Before 9/11, Americans voted for President George W. Bush because he advocated for a humble foreign policy and would keep our troops home. After 9/11, everything changed, and Republicans changed on a dime. They called for a totalitarian government, endless war abroad, and the evisceration of our civil liberties and constitutional rights. Everyone who saw what a horrible trajectory America was embarking upon was “with the terrorists” and bullied into silence. Our nation suffered immeasurably as a result.

After the attacks against Israel by Hamas, we see the same thing on a global scale. Before this attack happened, the Middle East was relatively peaceful. Things were far from great, with millions of Palestinians being held in a concentration camp in Gaza under heinous conditions, but there was no real appetite for an escalation of war. With one terror attack, that all changed overnight, and millions of supporters of the state of Israel demanded blood in the fury after watching their people be attacked in unprecedented fashion. And people who care calling for a tempered response are being falsely labeled as “anti-Semites,” all because they don’t want the cycle of violence to persist that will only enflame more people and cause terror to persist in the region and abroad.

I understand the impulse to want revenge. No doubt, the radical Muslim butchers in Hamas wish to harm Jewish people and bring an end to the state of Israel. This group is openly anti-Semitic and deserves to be condemned by all. My relatives have dealt with radical Muslim butchers in Iraq, and we know exactly how cruel they can be. But calling for more war crimes and more vengeance will only make the situation worse. This is borne out in recent history, as escalations in bombing campaigns have backfired terribly and only empowered radical Muslims.

Right now, Americans are sending billions to the state of Israel with direct military aid that is seen with the bombs dropping in Gaza. We have seen hospitals, schools and churches blown to bits, with thousands of innocent people being brutalized in what is trivialized as collateral damage. There are the excuses to justify this. The supporters of the war crimes say Hamas control centers are in the churches, schools and the hospitals. Even if that is the case, is that worth killing so many innocent people? We as Christians cannot justify these brutal atrocities without being immense hypocrites.

For every Hamas leader that is supposedly killed in a hospital, school or church, there are normal Palestinians who see their loved ones blown to bits, screaming in terror as their lives are extinguished by U.S.-backed missiles. These individuals are radicalized and become far more likely to endorse the radicalism of groups like Hamas. They have nothing to lose, as they know their families or themselves could be targeted in the next round of hellfire strikes. This has been described by the CIA as “blowback,” and U.S./Israeli foreign policy has been creating tons of blowback over the course of many decades.

Listen to the great Ron Paul speak about the nature of “Blowback” in our nation’s foreign policy:

Another thing that must be examined is how the attacks happened in the first place. Israel has perhaps the most sophisticated national defense in the world. How did the immense failure happen to allow the Hamas attacks to occur? How did all of these agencies fail in such a coordinated manner? Is this incredible incompetence or is there a deeper and darker agenda afoot? This is reminiscent of when NORAD defense systems were diverted to allow the 9/11 attacks to occur. We cannot trust the intelligence community in Israel any more than we can trust the intelligence community in the U.S. They are in essence one and the same.

The defense industry is raking in billions upon billions in profits because of the conflict in Israel. They feast while the rest of us famine. They cash out on death and destruction. This is the military-industrial complex that was referenced by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his farewell address. This is who the true enemy is – not the Israelis or the Palestinians, not the Jewish people or Muslims or Christians. There are forces bigger than what is presented to us in the media with their dehumanizing propaganda. They want us divided. They want us to hate each other. They don’t want us to unite against the systemic forces that are enslaving us and killing us.

Hearing words like ‘Anti-Semitic’ used against anyone who criticizes bombing campaigns in Gaza is disgusting. Similarly, slurs like ‘Islamophobic’ for those who call out Hamas or radical Muslims is abhorrent. We should be calling for peace, and as Americans, that begins with stopping the foreign aid spigot that fuels conflict in the region. It is time for conservatives to be conservative and support limited government with regards to foreign aid. It is time to remove the U.S. support for militarism in the region, regardless of which side we support on the issue. This is the only way that peace can prevail, as the interests behind U.S. foreign policy make billions because of more war and are heavily incentivized to promulgate these policies.

If we don’t reserve course, where will this end? With regime change in Syria? We saw when Bashar al-Assad was nearly removed from Syria years ago. It was a brutal civil war, and radical terror groups like ISIS filled the void. Will we have war with Iran? Bloodthirsty neocon savages like Ben Shapiro have been salivating at the thought. It would be as much of a disaster if not more so than our failed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Are we going to support even more brutal war crimes in Yemen because the Houthis are on the side of the Palestinians? Our actions have consequences, and unfortunately, the reality of the situation is lost in the haze of the war propaganda.

The only solution is for more people to voice their opinion, reject the war propaganda and call for peace in the region. Anyone who is falsely called “Anti-Semitic” for standing for peace should not do so lying down. They should strike back against these vicious slurs meant to marginalize people who want the insanity to end. Having empathy for Palestinians, some of whom are innocent Christians, being caught up in these hellfire strikes is the Christian thing to do. It does not mean you are anti-Semitic, and it does not make you aligned with Hamas. It makes you a human being whose compassion hasn’t been snuffed out by war propaganda. I will begin by my voice heard, regardless of who I may offend in the process. I am happy to engage in dialogue with anyone.

Apr 092018


I have to alert you today about the atrocities that are happening in Syria right now.

Bashir al-Assad, the long-time President of Syria, was locked into a war against outsiders. These foreign terrorist groups were being armed with American taxpayer dollars by the CIA at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama to lay Syria to waste and make it a haven for radical Islam. ISIS was growing because of these policies. As soon as Trump became President, he reversed these policies. This allowed Russia to pulverize ISIS into oblivion.

ISIS is virtually wiped out because of the actions of President Trump, Vladimir Putin and Bashir al-Assad. God bless these three men and their heroism. They may not receive peace prizes in this evil world, but they will receive their glory in the next life.

Sadly, the fight is not over. There are interests out there – whether you want to call them the globalists, the deep state, the military-industrial complex, the banksters, or whatever – who want Syria to be laid to waste. They want a genocide in Syria like what happened in Libya. They want atrocities to happen in Syria like what happened in Iraq. All so they can line their pockets with blood money in the midst of the ruins.

The Syrians have suffered enough, and over this weekend, there was a false flag attack in their country. Although it was not covered by the western media, the Russians warned of the false-flag attack weeks in advance. The chemical attack happened in the region of Ghouta where they claimed the event would happen, bolstering the credibility of Russia’s prediction. The alleged incident was reported by the “White Helmets,” which is nothing more than a re-branded division of Al Queda.

World War III almost started today after Israel bombarded Syria, targeting Syrian and Iranian forces in the attack. Trump has vowed retaliation against Syria for unproven chemical attacks, and he has apparently bought into the lie this time around. This is the Cuban Missile Crisis all over again. The world is in peril, and we must not fall for the deception once more. We must not be drawn into another illegal, immoral, senseless war in Syria.

The Christians of the world must speak out and take action! Bashir al-Assad protects Christians from genocide in Syria. He is a secular leader who fights radical Islam. We owe him a debt of gratitude for fighting and defeating ISIS so valiantly. We cannot allow our corrupt media elites and deep state government officials to slander him, frame him for attacks that he clearly did not commit, and use that lie as a pretense to go into another war.

CHRISTIANS, IT IS TIME TO STAND UP! We have to stop an atrocity that will directly harm Christians. Christians in Iraq were ethnically cleansed from their lands following the War in Iraq. Libya went from Africa’s top country to a haven for human trafficking, terrorism, slavery and child abuse. We cannot allow that to happen in Syria. Please tell others about these facts I have brought to light and call President Trump.

Call President Donald Trump at 202-456-1111 and urge him to resist the propaganda. Tell him to stick to his instincts. He wanted to leave Syria a week ago, and now this false-flag attack has made him reconsider his initial decision. Tell him you voted for him to stand strong against the swamp, not to succumb to it. This is a make-or-break moment, and we need to tell Trump to stand for Syrian Christians and their protector Assad against the deep state and the war party. The future of the Western world may depend upon it!

George Brikho