Oct 312023

It has been a long time coming, but some of the individuals who gang raped the marijuana industry in Michigan are finally being put to justice.

Brian Pierce, who once served as Chief of Staff of former Rep. Klint Kesto, was among the individuals sentenced to 2 years in Prison. He joins his fellow scum lobbyist Vincent Brown and former House Speaker Rick Johnson in receiving felony convictions for hatching a marijuana bribery scheme, which included not only cash but also complimentary sex from some of Detroit’s finest whores as well.

U.S. Judge Jane Beckering said that Pierce was the “poster child” for public corruption, and his behavior was “egregious” even in comparison to other government crooks out there. Pierce admitted that he “traded in [his] moral compass for financial gain.” Brown apologized to “both the citizens of Michigan and each license holder in the state” for his heinous actions.

But an apology is not enough. These sons of bitches have to pay.

They must pay for the licenses that were denied to individuals who were not politically connected. Every license holder that benefitted from this system must pony up their bogus profits and give their ill-gotten gains to those who they screwed over.

It is time to get this done. We demand a Marijuana Reparations Act to make sure that these debts are paid. Not just for myself, but especially for the medical marijuana patients whose caregiver system was attacked because of this senseless corruption that persisted for the few at the expense of the many.

Many medical marijuana patients have lost their caregivers, who have given up their grow operations due to fear of reprisal, and been forced into the regulated marketplace, oftentimes forced to use substandard products that are far less effective at treating their conditions. Their lives have been directly harmed because of the scum lobbyists, crony capitalists and underhanded bureaucrats.

They all must pay. We will be aggressively pursuing this. Right now, we are rallying all aggrieved interests to speak out and demand reparations. Tell your truth on social media. Use the hashtags #MarijuanaReparations , #MakeTheBastardsPay , and #MarijuanaReparationsNow to air your legitimate grievances. Talk about how you have been wronged by this system and demand justice. Together, we will open eyes and move mountains.

It is not fair for “Dr. Evil” Steve Linder to slither away from Lansing and live out his golden years in a palace with millions of dollars of dirty money. It is not fair for disgraced former Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof to continue to rake in lobbyist cash despite setting up the marijuana cartel from the start to work exactly the way it did.

These assholes have already taken a pounding, and now it is time for us to go the extra mile and shit on them harder than ever before.

I would also like to object to news reports about Chaldean businessmen being at the center of this scandal. The other side was the heroic Chaldeans on the front lines fighting against the corruption and to save the little guy, such as myself and my partners at EverGreen Management. This is the untold story by the corporate news media, who mostly ignored the issue of marijuana corruption in Michigan while it was developing and their large platform could have stopped it dead its tracks. Shame on the complicit mass media, and they should be forced to pay as willing accomplices in this marijuana bribery scheme as well.

The Michigan Caregivers Association has been around for two years, and our work has been completely vindicated. We recently sent a letter to Attorney General Dana Nessel demanding additional prosecutions in order to fully clean up the Michigan marijuana industry. Sadly, we have not received any response from the Attorney General at the present time.

Please contact the Attorney General and demand that she enacts prosecution on more marijuana criminals, including but not limited to disgraced lobbyist Steve Linder and disgraced former Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, for their crimes against the people of Michigan.

Snail Mail:

Department of Attorney General
525 W. Ottawa St.
Lansing, MI 48906

Email: miag@michigan.gov

Phone: 517-335-7622

Never give up hope. Keep fighting for liberty in the marijuana movement and all facets of American life. We will win in the end.

George Brikho

Jun 202022

Last week, it was announced that Rep. Jim Lilly would be retiring from the State House of Representatives.

It was an abrupt announcement that took everybody by surprise. As of July 1, Lilly will be out of Lansing and working as a lobbyist for supermarket giant SpartanNash, serving as their vice president for government affairs.

“This is a great opportunity to help move this entire country forward on issues related to labor shortages and supply chain challenges,” Lilly said.

Lilly said he is leaving office because “this is the right time to make the transition to work on these issues in the private sector,” but everyone knows this is a lie. Lilly was likely tipped off that he was photographed snorting a line at a lobbyist-funded party next to Lee Chatfield, the incestuous party boy who once ran the show for the GOP in Lansing, or saw video of himself balls deep in one of Detroit’s finest strippers, a time-honored tradition for Republican lawmakers on the take.

Nevertheless, for whatever reason that Lilly is gone, it is great news for the registered caregivers and medical marijuana patients throughout the state. The Michigan Caregivers Association, a group of which I am proud to serve as President, would always go out of our way to take a big fat shit on Lilly. Not because he was noteworthy, talented, intelligent, charismatic or otherwise worthwhile, but it was because Lilly was the personal champion of the legislative package, HB5300-02, bills designed to annihilate the medical marijuana industry in Michigan.

Lilly has fallen victim to the Brikho Curse. This is what happens when karma bites the ass of these losers who thought that they could steamroll over the medical marijuana industry. I am proud to be part of the most righteous industry in the state of Michigan.  The forces of the universe are definitely on our side, even if the money and the power is not. When you fight against medical cannabis that sustains thousands of patients and allows them to live with dignity through the use of a cheap, bountiful, highly-effective medicine, there will be severe karmic repercussions against you in this life and the next.

No doubt the dirt about Lilly will be coming out in the near future, and he will join his buddy Chatfield in the Hall of Disgrace of reviled Republican predators hated by the people and live his life in permanent shame forevermore. But Lilly is far from the only man who has suffered from the Brikho Curse. Take my favorite punching bag, Steve Linder, as another example. Linder, through his immense arrogance, thought he could come in and muscle through the “Big Weed” monopoly legislation while everyone was sleeping. Instead, he was greeted with a massive spectacle that put him and his seedy reputation in the limelight.

Linder’s clients thought they were hiring a smooth professional who could quietly and effectively grease the wheels of the legislature in order to enact their sinister cannabis monopoly with little fanfare. However, what they got was a man way past his prime, an individual who peaked decades ago. They got a man tarred with scandal, who molded Lansing into a den of iniquity. What the Michigan Caregivers Association did was transform the debate from being about patient safety from being about a massive lobbyist power-grab. Our narrative resonates with the people. The public knows about the orgy of Dark Money that runs in our state Capitol. They are not naïve. They may not have known Linder by name but they know there are villains out there regularly undermining our democracy for profit and payouts.

But after the Michigan Caregivers Association’s successful education and outreach efforts, more people knew of Linder’s name than ever before. A messy battle behind the scenes and in front of the cameras resulted in a stalemate, with “Big Weed” monopoly legislation HB5300-02 stalled. Too many lawmakers knew what the underlying agenda was going into these bills, or they feared retribution from the organized and effective and ruthless cannabis community that were out to prevent yet another corporate gangbang, this time at the expense of the caregivers.

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturing Association (MCMA), the wannabe monopolists, eventually grew tired of Linder and his ineffectiveness. At first, they allowed him to bow out in a manner as to avoid disgrace. The MCMA gave a Democrat-affiliated lobbyist Mark Fisk (learn more about him here) the title of co-Executive Director with Linder, relegating him to subordinate status. Linder was meant to sit down, shut up and know his role. But having already been disgraced in this fight, he could not do so. Linder took his wounded ego to MIRS where he said his final act as a lobbyist would be to defeat medical cannabis. This has clearly become personal for Linder, and his own personal legacy is now tied to destroying the caregivers system. Linder made it clear that this is his hill to die on, and pissing in the faces of medical cannabis patients across the state of Michigan will be his last crusade before retiring.

“When I was asked to do this, it was very strategic. I was the General Consultant for the Senate Republican Campaign Committee…This is the first new industry Michigan has created in 100 years…I needed permission to do this because the general consultant of the caucus couldn’t be on the other side of the issue…I was allowed to do this as long as it was done in a way that would provide cover…We are reverse-engineering the marketplace,” Linder said while appearing on MIRS.

As Linder was blabbing, he was inadvertently revealing how destroying medical cannabis was a top-down mandate from elitist controllers. Linder plotted in secret with Senate Republican leaders and their financial backers to receive the blessing to take over the cannabis industry. It is as bad as it seems, with major Lansing players plotting in backrooms, the same individuals who urged for decades to throw cannabis users in cages, to take control over the industry that they tried to stifle at every turn. It is a naked, egregious example of the worst type of government-corporate collusion imaginable, and Mr. Big-Mouth-Little-Man Linder owned up to it in a public forum.

And apparently Linder’s masters were outraged by his display, because shortly after the MIRS interview, they cucked Linder even further. The MCMA took away his ceremonial title of “Executive Director,” forcing Linder to resign, and demoting him to the title of “senior adviser,” meaning that he’s a little bitch who they can call on to run errands for them every now and again if so needed. This is a damage control mechanism. They are just keeping Linder around for everyone to save face, but the façade is rapidly crumbling.

In actuality, the corporate cannabis industry in Michigan is self-immolating. Their greed has gotten the best of them, as seen with Terrapin’s operations shuttering in the state. They saw cannabis as a cash cow and thought they could come in and gobble up all the profits, but cannabis patients are too smart to allow that. They preferred to grow their own or receive their medicine from a trusted caregiver rather than sell out for an inferior product. The outlaw nature of the industry has taught many lessons to cannabis patients. They know which growers are bringing the fire and reward them accordingly.

The times are tough, but karma is clearly on our side. More will fall to the Brikho Curse, and the last men standing will be the tough, the righteous, the resourceful, and the innovative. We will survive, just like we did through prohibition, and our enemies will be brought to their knees. Watch out, Matt Hall, and others who are standing in line to serve this corrupt system. Justice is coming, and you will be next to circle the drains with other enemies of the caregivers who thought they were untouchable but learned a hard lesson otherwise.

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” 

Martin Luther King Jr.

Keep growing, my friends.


Your Friend
Big George

Apr 262022

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association (MCMA), the “Big Weed” monopoly gang that is working to crush the medical marijuana industry in our state, has announced their new big lobbyist who will be working to realize their industry takeover.

After Steve “Dr. Evil” Linder was kicked to the curb (even though he is being kept in a nominal position in order escape public disgrace and humiliation), he has been replaced with Mark Fisk, a journalist turned political operative and communications expert. His firm, Byrum & Fisk, has handled communications for the MCMA for quite some time. Fisk will be taking an expanded role in the MCMA day-to-day operations after Linder failed. Essentially, Linder will be sat in the corner and emasculated in shame while Fisk really runs the show.

As I have frequently noted, Linder was the dark money pimp tugging at the strings of the corrupt Republican Party establishment for many years. Linder was wheeling and dealing with the likes of incest-accused scoundrel Lee “Coke and Hookers” Chatfield, helping Chatfield and his GOP partners make it rain nightly at various gentleman’s clubs on the 8 Mile strip. Fisk represents the other side of the political sewer in Lansing, serving at the pleasure of various Democrats.

Fisk was communication director for U.S. Senator Gary Peters when he served in the state senate during the early 2000s. He also served as press secretary for former Congressman David Bonior and was the political director for the majority caucus when the Democrats ran the state house after the 2006 midterm elections. He is renowned for his connections and his pull within state Democrat politics. He served as a spokesman for Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as recently as last year. He will no doubt be leveraging his deep connections in his attempt to crush the caregivers.

>You see, the MCMA thought that Linder and his avalanche of dark money could grease the wheels and get the legislation destroying the caregiver through while we were all sleeping. This did not work. We rose up. We brought the pain to lawmakers who were dancing with the devil known as Linder, and scared them off from supporting the gangster monopoly legislation. Now, they are trying a softer and gentler approach. They are going to work Democrat lawmakers and try to pull the wool over their eyes. There will be a new song and dance from this Fisk character, but we will not fall for it.

“We look forward to continuing our work with Stephen and the MCMA over the coming months to help ensure all Michigan patients and adult-use customers have access to safe, tested and high-quality cannabis products,” Fisk said in the MCMA press release announcing his hire. “Working together, we will continue to advocate in a bipartisan way for consumer and product safety and entrepreneurship in Michigan’s burgeoning regulated cannabis industry.”

Fisk is attempting to leverage his former work as a communications consultant for Proposal 1 in 2008, which was approved in an overwhelming margin by the voters to enact the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act and create the compassionate caregiver system, to dupe the public. Fisk may have done the right thing then, but then he sold his soul and went over to the dark side. He has been working with the MCMA for many months as they have worked to destroy everything that is good about the medical marijuana industry, pushing dishonest messaging in an attempt to enact a large-scale power grab. Fisk is a bad actor and cannot be trusted.

Do not trust any of the public relations spin doctoring that will come out of the MCMA in the days and weeks to come. Do not accept any half measures. If there are Democrats connected to Fisk who suddenly start spewing the MCMA talking points, they must receive an immense amount of pressure in order to make it clear to them that they have no alternative but to stand strong on behalf of the medical marijuana industry and the caregivers. Fisk will no doubt be working his Democrat connections to rally support on behalf of Big Weed bills HB5300-02, and we must stop his deceptions and his tricks before they take root.

Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum (Republican, Democrat or anything between), Fisk is not a man worthy of respect or admiration. He is the mirror image of Linder, even though he hides his dastardly deeds under a smoother veneer. Fisk led the infamous Committee to Keep Pot out of Neighborhoods and Schools, an anti-legalization campaign that spread propaganda to the public in order to keep prohibition intact back in 2018. He called for Republicans to legalize marijuana as a ploy to keep the question off the ballot, which would have allowed the legislature to come back and rescind their measure at a later date. Fisk pushed this sneaky plot, which was ultimately rejected by Republicans, as a pretense to deny the people their voice in order to satisfy his lobbyist backers.

Fisk is especially dangerous because of his continued involvement with Governor Gretchen Whitmer. He has not only served as her spokesman, but also as a front man of her affiliated dark money groups. Fisk served as spokesman for the Progressive Advocacy Trust, which spent $2 million to help Whitmer get into the governor’s office. Another dark money group, Build a Better Michigan, was cited for major campaign finance violations back in 2018. It has since been rebranded and reformatted as “Road to Michigan’s Future” for the upcoming election cycle, and Fisk is once again involved in these efforts. It should therefore be assumed that Fisk will be using his influence with Whitmer to harm the rights of caregivers.

We cannot take our success and momentum for granted. Yes, we got Steve Linder removed after exposing him, sullying his reputation, and now his balls have been cut off and he has to get coffee for his replacement after losing so hard. But the monopolists will never stop. That is why the Michigan Caregivers Association is establishing a permanent presence in Lansing, and we will be expanding greatly next year. We know nothing short of eternal vigilance will preserve our rights. Fisk will be working the Democrat angle in a similar manner as Linder worked the Republican angle. But these lobbyists, once exposed, cannot stop the people once we are activated. We will fight, we will succeed, and we will go on the offense against this attempted siege of our sacred freedoms.

Your Friend
George Brikho

Apr 212022


I have some great news that should give hope to every activist in the state who cares about freedom, liberty, democracy and accountability in government.

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association (MCMA), the “Big Weed” lobbying firm that is working to destroy the medical marijuana caregivers system in order to seize a monopoly, has fired Steve Linder, the dark money kingpin who had been working behind the scenes to coerce lawmakers into passing HB 5300-02.

The Michigan Caregivers Association (MCA), a group which I founded to protect the rights of the caregivers, put Linder at the forefront of the policy debate – considered a controversial move at the time. We plastered his greasy mug all over ads, billboards, and made him the focus of the debate, comparing him to Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers flicks. Our heavy-handed tactics changed the debate from being centered around Linder’s phony talking points on “patient safety” to the Big Weed takeover that was actually taking place. We made a lot of noise, and it paid off.

Rats like Linder do not like when the light is shined directly upon them. They prefer to work in the shadows and make their dirty dealings without scrutiny. It’s called “dark money” for a reason. These lowlifes want their money and influence hidden from the public. We took the battle to the public. Linder cracked under the pressure. He made a fool of himself repeatedly. Lawmakers no longer wanted to be associated with him. His legacy is permanently tarnished as a result of our due diligence. The age of gangsters like Linder controlling the legislature are coming to an end.

The Michigan Caregivers Association claims the proverbial scalp of Linder. This is just the beginning. This is not an aberration. We are growing rapidly and building the infrastructure to expose the bad guys like never before. We put all other Linder wannabes on notice: You will be next. You will be pissed out of Lansing in disgrace just like Linder. You will be exposed, you will be righteously vilified, the public will view you as the pariah that you are, and then your Big Money backers will toss you out unceremoniously like a used condom from a strip club backroom session with Matt Hall, Lee Chatfield and taxpayer-funded escorts. 

We know that the MCMA and the wannabe cannabis monopolists are not throwing in the towel just because Linder is history. They will continue to agitate against small home growers, medicine providers, cancer patients, small business owners, and others who stand in the way of swelling their bottom line. MCMA board chair Shelly Edgerton is expected to take a more substantial role in the organization after Linder’s ouster. Edgerton, while certainly a less odious and grotesque figure than Linder, has the same establishment Republican and Lansing bureaucratic ties as Linder and is pushing for the same agenda. She wants to crush the little guy and pave the way for a monopoly. She will be thwarted as well.

It has been proven that the current testing regime is a joke and potentially-contaminated weed will always make its way on the shelves when the big players want to make profits. State regulators have focused on restricting caregiver product, and this has caused tremendous damage to the cannabis industry in Michigan already. Now, tons of inferior product are being flooded onto the streets, including contaminated flower, and the industry is in shambles. If this continues, the compassionate caregiver system that produces life-saving medicine for thousands of patients across the state will be crushed forever. This is economic terrorism by the corporate machine. It will not be tolerated. 

The Michigan Caregivers Association will enjoy this victory and this momentum we have built, but we will not take our success for granted. We know this is a never-ending fight to sustain our freedoms. If we take our eyes off the ball, that will allow the MCMA and their new henchwoman, Edgerton, to come closer to achieving their marijuana monopoly. Cannabis cannot become corporatized and corrupt like every other industry. This is the final frontier where the little guy can thrive in a free and fair market based on their ability to grow the best product. We demand a broad and shared prosperity. Nothing else is acceptable.

Be on the lookout for legislation that is in the works in Lansing that will prevent municipalities from adopting ready-made ordinances created by the MCMA and their cronies to destroy the caregivers at the local level, now that their monopoly bills have stalled in Lansing. We are going on the offense and beginning to roll out our Caregivers’ Bill of Rights that will give additional opportunities for superior caregiver product to be enjoyed by Michigan residents. Cannabis is now an unstoppable powerhouse, the nation’s #1 cash crop, and the individuals who put their lives on the line to create this essential industry ought to reap the full rewards of their blood, sweat and tears.

Keep fighting!

Your friend,

George Brikho

Please consider donating to the cause here.

Feb 032022

This week, a whistleblower has come out and revealed a wicked pay-to-play bribery scheme that has turned Lansing into the most corrupt state Capitol in the nation.

Matt Marsden, a long-time GOP operative in Lansing, blew the whistle on the insanely corrupt practices that are being perpetrated in the state Capitol. Turns out the den of vipers is just as dirty as we thought.

Marsden pointed to Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and former House Speaker Lee Chatfield, who now stands accused of committing incestual pedophilia over the course of many years, as two particularly guilty and shameful figures who abuse dark money rules and have made a complete mockery of the law.

“Over my time in Lansing, I began to watch the 501(c)(4)s begin to morph into something that was a little less above board,” Marsden told 7 Action News.

“If you’re a 33-year-old or 34-year-old person elected to office and you hire a consultant that tells you ‘Don’t worry about it, don’t worry about it. It’s fine. Everybody has done it before you. This is just the way it works,’” Marsden said. “That’s not the way Lansing works. That’s not the way Lansing used to work.”

Marsden pointed to one particularly crooked non-profit group, the Michigan Jobs and Labor Foundation, as leading the way toward extreme corruption taking root in Lansing. They raked in $2.8 million in dark money contributions between 2011 and 2015, money that was likely used as a slush fund for corrupt lawmakers who serve Satan.

Who was the President of the Michigan Jobs and Labor Foundation while all this dark money was being thrown around? None other than Dr. Evil himself, Steve Linder.

“What I think began to happen with the (non-profits) is they began to be used for more personal use than they were for messaging use,” Marsden said. “Trips, rental cars, drivers, bar tabs. You name it.”

“You can’t show a $700 dinner out bar tab on your campaign finance report,” Marsden said, “because someone like me who does opposition research would love to see that.”

As someone who runs a legitimate nonprofit, it is disgusting how vultures like Linder exploit the rules in order to operate political slush funds. Nonprofits are meant to stand for social justice causes, for the common good, for the betterment of society. This is exactly what the Michigan Caregivers Association is all about. We stand for the caregivers, the patients, the medical marijuana patients, against the corporate monopolists out to destroy the compassionate industry we have built with blood, sweat and tears. Every lawmaker must run from Linder in order to avoid association with this filth or have their reputation ruined in their communities permanently.

Linder continues to create new shadow fronts in order to hide his money. His latest is the Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association, which creates deceitful propaganda in order to dupe the masses into supporting his Big Money agenda. He was a fierce opponent of legalization for years, but now he and his corporate monopolist buddies are coming to swallow the whole industry up. This is what Linder and his Republican cronies do: They gangrape the American Dream each day with their despicable efforts.

Alleged womanizer and bloated alcoholic Matt Hall has pimped himself out to these same interests. Hall is considered by some to be the front-runner to be the next House Speaker. He is certainly cut from the same cloth as his predecessors. This pig is lining up at the trough. That is why he does the bidding for dark money kingpin Steve Linder to screw the caregivers. He would sell his dirty momma down the river for the brass ring so he can get access to Chatfield’s vaunted blow and hookers supply (Note: I would not surprised if the weaselly shitbag Jim Lilly was involved in these sort of perverted schemes as well).

This fight is so much bigger than just weed. This is about upending this entire crooked system and restoring power to the people. After we protect the caregivers and stop the government-granted monopoly over the cannabis industry, we will use that as a springboard to accomplish so much more. Our enemies will figure out that we are freedom fighters. We are valiant warriors for liberty. We are the heirs to our heroic revolutionary ancestors. What is coming has been long overdue to restore our nation, and this movement will be successful one way or another.

Linder is only one demonic face of this vast machine. We have forced out this weasel into the light. He likes to hide in the darkness, with his dark money, with his lies and his blackmail, and his rolodex of scum whore lobbyists. We put his ugly bald head on a billboard so the world could see who is really running the show in Lansing. This is how we defeat their system — by organizing viciously and ferociously against these villains. The powerful shall be brought to their knees, and the meek shall inherit the Earth. This is the essence of our righteous battle against Satan and his unholy minions.

Look at the truckers’ convoy in Canada. The people are ready to rise up. They are ready to throw off the shackles of this tyranny. They hate their public officials. They know they are all trash, with only very very few exceptions. Do not be discouraged. Do not surrender. We will win in the end and make examples of all these sorry bastards who have looted us. They may think they are off limits with all their rules, and their lack of accountability and transparency. But we will bring accountability and transparency, Founding Fathers’ style, with pitchforks and torches, if necessary. We are coming. Expect us. And if you are corrupt, you shall pay dearly in this life and the next.

Oct 222021


I know there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty within the caregivers community due to the Linder monopoly bills and the threatening aspect of this cartel legislation that intends to wipe us all out.

I know you are worried about going back to the dark ages of prohibition, of being scared that a uniformed goon will show up and put a gun in your face for growing medicine. This is very understandable.

But we cannot give up.

The caregivers are the backbone of the Michigan economy, providing independent wealth that spans across many industries. It is not just the hydro stores like mine that rely on you to put food on our family’s plate. It is electricians, plumbers, carpenters, HVAC technicians, and so forth, and this money spreads into many other industries. 

Our economy is suffering, due to the pandemic, due to corruption, due to many reasons that I will not get into right now. By slowing down or shutting down due to fear, we not only give into the bad guys but also kill the engine that is keeping our country afloat during tough times.

This is why I implore all of you to continue your grows and continue producing medicine. They cannot come after us all. The people are on our side, and they are being alerted to the real problem. 

The real problem is Big Weed, the marijuana cartel, that would corporatize marijuana products. The caregivers system is based on relationships, sustained by the compassion of the grower. As everyone in the industry knows, there is an abundance of caregivers who will give marijuana away to cancer patients, epileptics, the pain stricken, and others who desperately need it FOR FREE!

Will that happen if the caregivers model is destroyed? Of course not, despite their assurances otherwise. They are trying to buy off medical patients with a proposed government subsidy, one that can be cut off at a moment’s notice, but that pittance is not worth selling out our freedom, our dignity and our self-respect.

I want to let the homegrowers know that myself, other business leaders, and the entire cannabis community are fighting for their rights. We are going to war with the monopolists everyday in Lansing. They know we are serious. We are hitting them with billboards, ads, calls and constant pressure to expose them. We are not lobbying the lawmakers, we are lobbying the PEOPLE against this takeover and the people’s eyes are opening. Nobody wants a corporate cannabis cartel.

We will come out victorious at the end of this. They were expecting that we would be celebrating post-legalization and relax, take our eyes off the ball, and allow this takeover to happen without much resistance. They have found that they were dead wrong. 

In the meantime, keep doing what you are legally allowed to do in our democracy through the Medical Marihuana Act of 2008. It is your constitutionally-protected freedom to grow medicine under the sensible regulations approved in overwhelming margin by the voters. Exercise your rights freely. We got your back.


George Brikho