Feb 082023

A recent report from the Detroit News has confirmed the obvious: that “Big Weed” lobbyists were paying off lawmakers in Lansing to destroy the caregivers system and crush the medical cannabis industry over the previous legislative sessions.

The article reads as follows:

A group that represented Michigan’s largest marijuana companies quietly contributed $160,000 to lawmakers’ nonprofit accounts as legislators crafted proposals that would have been a boon for the industry, according to documents obtained by The Detroit News…

Likewise, in 2021, the MCMA Advocacy Fund gave $50,000 to MI Vision, an organization tied to then-House Speaker Jason Wentworth, a Republican from Farwell, and $5,000 to Michigan First Fund, a nonprofit led by former aides of ex-Rep. Jim Lilly, a Republican from Park Township. Lilly sponsored part of the package that would have boosted marijuana businesses by requiring those who grow medical marijuana for patients to be licensed and regulated…

Chatfield’s Peninsula Fund got $20,000 as did the Great Lakes Job Alliance, which features a board of Senate Republican consultants, according to the tax filing…

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association formed its separate MCMA Advocacy Fund, which the association provided all the money for in 2020, tax records show.”

It turns out that the messages displayed on the mobile billboards outside of the state capitol were right all along. The Republican lawmakers were as a matter of fact on the take from the Big Weed lobbyists.

There was never any big public health emergency due to so-called unregulated cannabis that demanded immediate legislative action. It was a typical Lansing power grab where the special interests paid off the legislators to destroy the rights of the people and initiate a corporate gang rape of the industry. The MCMA (“Big Weed”) was paying off Republican House leaders. They were paying off the Republican bill sponsors. They were greasing over everyone in order to reap the rewards of an entire monopoly given to them via hostile and unconstitutional legislative fiat.

The work by the Michigan Caregivers Association blew up the entire process. The lobbyists and special interests like to keep their double dealing in the shadows. Media reporters will come in after the fact and expose the process when the takeover has already been completed. The way it was supposed to go was that these disclosures were meant to come out after the fact, after Big Weed monopoly legislation HB5300-02 was signed into law, when it was too late to go back. Then they would laugh in all our faces after their heist had been completed.

We stopped that from happening. We put Big Weed dark money kingpin, Steve “Dr. Evil” Linder’s ugly face at the center of the discussion. We very loudly and forcefully interjected our talking points into the mix. The headlines became about Linder’s power grab, the dealings of special interests and their whore politicians in seedy backrooms, and caregivers and medical patients being crushed by an evil system. This was controversial at the time, even among well-intentioned cannabis activists, some of whom were put off by the crass nature of our tactics. But these tactics were undeniably effective, and the caregivers system has gotten a reprieve as a result.

But we have only achieved a temporary victory. The MCMA has been forced to disband because its reputation is so poor. They have been disgraced and they are no more. But the monied interests behind the MCMA are still very much invested in destroying the caregivers’ system and the medical marijuana industry here in Michigan. They have already worked to flood the marketplace with low-quality cannabis to rig the system so caregivers cannot make a living from their superior grows. Caregivers are frozen out of the legal marketplace while inferior competitors are given access to emerging markets. This is unfair, against the free market, and anti-American.

The interests behind the MCMA may manifest themselves in a new organization, or they may try to infiltrate existing organizations. There is already a proposal to cap new licenses for cannabis grow operations and new dispensaries, which was actually suggested by myself and my partners when the initial medical marijuana regulations were passed years ago. We warned what would happen with oversaturation, but now it is being floated in order to help the established Big Money entities who have been granted favorability in the licensing process. This is a defacto bail out for the corporate vultures. They want their competition to be restricted rather than to live with the error and folly of their greed and avarice. These are the types of “reforms” that are going to be floated, and everyone pushing them must be looked at with suspicion.

We say let the bad guys fail and let the chips fall where they may. You know where we stand. We are going to trash the lobbyists and their pawns. Many of these guys are gone like weak-assed Jim Lilly, Jason the Weasel Wentworth, and the incestuous hooker fiend Lee Chatfield, who may in the slammer soon for cocaine-fueled debauchery that put other Lansing dirtbags to shame. But there are still many villains who remain. Roger Hauck, the crooked House committee chair who served at the altar Big Weed, has received a promotion to the Senate. Here is a piece of advice, Roger: The bow tie needs to go, you are making parents nervous.

The mobile billboard will be in Lansing to expose the likes of Hauck, and the newly-elected demons who are lined up at the trough. We will lionize the handful of heroes with the courage to stand against the evil agenda. It is our hope that Democrats will get behind pro-caregiver proposals, such as our Medical Marijuana Municipal Ordinance Act, in order to profile much-needed relief for caregivers and their patients. Now that Democrats are in charge, they have a chance to rebuke Republican-led corruption and bring social justice to the cannabis industry. But there are Democrats on the take as well, as we have exposed, and it will not be easy getting this and other measures from our Caregivers’ Bill of Rights across the finish line.

That is why we have to fight, and we will never give up on the fight. Your support is appreciated as it will make us more effective in doing our work to support the caregivers’ system. We cannot be bought. We will always be on the front lines. You can rely on us to do what we do best: bring down fury and wrath upon the interests in Lansing who are screwing over the caregivers, their medical marijuana patients, and hurting the business community that sustains these noble industries.

God bless all of you who stand on the side of righteousness.


Big George

Feb 012023

My message to Christian priests and other faith leaders:

It is never too late to do the right thing. As Jesus fell, we all fall. We all make mistakes, but we must take ownership of those mistakes and fight to do better. It pained me so much to see Christian leaders, even prominent ones in the Chaldean community, acquiesce to the lockdown measures and the restrictions imposed by our government during the COVID-19 pandemic. And it culminated with the greatest crime against humanity in history: the deadly experimental vaccine injection.

The ill-effects of the vaccine are obvious now – as healthy young men get heart attacks, die suddenly, and excess mortality skyrockets through the roof. We see it in our day-to-day lives, we see it during sports games, we see it all around us. We are supposed to ignore the 5,000 elephant in the room, but in our souls we know something is deeply, deeply wrong.

From the genesis of the COVID-19 lab virus, created by federally-funded scientists in a Chinese laboratory, released at an opportune time to rape our civilization, in order to usher in the New World Order technocracy, it was clear to see what was coming with the vaccine regime. Ignorance is no excuse. The march toward blind submission in the haze of mass hysteria should have raised alarm bells in the mind of every Christian leader of what was taking place.

These vaccines were rushed with the typical process of vaccine approval, which was already dubious at best, thrown out because of emergency measures. Big Pharma corporations, the most unethical in the world, were given blank checks to produce vaccines and inject them into hapless test subjects. Changing mRNA and DNA, altering God’s design, arrogant men and women playing God, ripping open Pandora’s Box with genetic experimentation. This all was happening in broad daylight.

And where were the Christian leaders? Were they speaking up against the worst crimes against humanity that the world has ever known?

No — with only a handful of noteworthy exceptions — they were sitting on their hands, telling their flock to be compliant, saying that our government and corporate elites had our best interests in mind.

These leaders said that it was okay that parishioners inject vaccines into their bodies synthesized from fetal remains, the chopped up tissues from murdered babies, taken from gruesome and barbaric abortion procedures.

Jesus said we must be our brother’s keeper. The leaders who turned a blind eye while these satanic murder shots were forced into the flesh of their parishioners did not live up to Christ’s example. The ones who encouraged it are even more to blame, as the blood of the innocent is on their hands.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine regime are just the beginning. This is the start of a diabolical world government, that will make a false idol out of all filth and depravity. It is a continuity of agenda, from the release of bioweapons, to the erosion of our fundamental rights, to the LGBT agenda taking room, to the rise of godless communism, to the pouring of third-world migrants over our border, to allowing criminals free reign in our streets. It is all connected, and the damage will get so wretched that our minds cannot fathom the horrors that are to come in the near future.

It is time for Christian leaders who fell during the vaccine regime to rise again, find their courage, and be ready to lead us through tribulations that are nothing short of biblical. For the days to come, we need leaders who will challenge and lead a revolt against the ruling elites, similar to what Jesus and the 12 Apostles did against the Pharisees and the Sadducees in His day. We need leaders who will do more than just refuse to comply, but lead Holy Warriors in a righteous crusade against the forces of evil.

The days of passive Christianity must come to an end. The time to rise and fight is at hand. Christ’s example is one of peace, love, mercy, kindness, and goodwill, but it is not one of pacifism. Because there often comes a time to rise and fight for what is just. We must not be afraid to be divisive. We must not be afraid to be controversial. We must not be afraid to lay everything on the line for righteous in these trying times.

Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” – Matthew 10:34-36

Christ’s message is not designed to help us be more well-adjusted to a world broken by greed, avarice, decadence and corruption. His message should embolden us to disobey unlawful and unconscionable edicts even if our boldness may cause strife to our personal or professional lives.

When Jesus and His Disciples spoke the word, they experienced unfathomable hardships. They were ostracized, beaten, spat upon, crucified, stoned to death and beheaded. They made the ultimate sacrifice so the truth of the Lord could live on. We must be willing to make the same sacrifices unless our Christian civilization be buried and replaced beneath a globalist elite that venerates Satan and has already convinced much of the youth to do so.

It begins by speaking out and demanding bravery from church leadership. May my fellow Chaldeans be on the vanguard of this movement of Christians rising up and bringing an end to tyranny and technological enslavement. May every pulpit be on fire with the message that causes men and women to rise and defend their families against this existential threat. May we be on the forefront of this movement against the political, economic and cultural elites to renew this world before we reach oblivion. Amen.

Nov 282022
One of my least favorite lobbying activities as leader of the pro-caregiver movement in Michigan has been my dealings with the bloated alcoholic Matt Hall. Hall is one of the most contemptuous vile creatures in Lansing, accepting bribe money from every special interest eagerly doing their bidding.
Hall proved to be one of the worst lowlifes in Michigan political history throughout this election cycle. Hall was hungry for power, desperate to upend a legitimate anti-establishment challenger to be next Michigan House Speaker in Matt Maddock, who had the backing from President Donald Trump. Hall exploited a position of authority, unearned and given to him by the special interests, to tank the Republican majority in the House.
Hall became in charge of the House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC), the mafia-like organization that doles out tribute to the lawmakers who toe the line. While the HRCC is supposed to be neutral and push for what’s best for Republican victory, it was anything but during the 2022 midterms. Hall was blatantly in charge of the HRCC and calling the shots, demanding lawmakers kiss his rings or be denied the funds desperately needed for Republicans to be elected.
It is one thing to play these games in the primary elections, where Hall was backing many owned, blackmailed puppets to get elected. This is contemptible enough, but Hall actively sabotaged conservative prospects as they went to war with the Democrats because he desired to purge the ranks of conservatives because he feared they might vote for Maddock for speaker of the House.
Through the ill-conceived calculations of his booze-soaked mind and in between doing lines of blow off hookers’ asses Chatfield style, Hall surmised that he could lose a few seats, get rid of those pesky conservatives, and keep a more subservient House GOP majority that would fall in lockstep for the kingpins of Lansing. What he did in actuality was screw the entire state, dooming Michigan to immediate and perhaps permanent far-left rule.
Look at the far-left agenda of the Democrats now that they have gained control over both legislative chambers as well as the governorship in Lansing. They are putting their feet on the gas pedal. The first thing they are going to do is get rid of right-to-work laws and give a huge bailout to their union backers at the expense of the taxpayers. From there, it will lead into “green” policies that send energy prices further through the roof, draconian restrictions on gun rights, enabling LGBT predators to groom kids at schools, profiling conservative Christians as terror threats, and other horrific policies.
And while the Democrats deserve blame for what they do, and they will be judged harshly in this life as well as the next for serving Satan and being his demonic minions to bring about the New World Order on Earth, it is really Matt Hall who is to blame. If he had done his due diligence and been fair minded while running the HRCC slush fund, this Democrat agenda would have been staved off at least temporarily. But this power-hungry slob cared only about himself and his delusions of grandeur, and he has doomed Michigan to live underneath communist tyranny.
The only silver lining is this bozo will never be House Speaker. He will have to settle to be the House Minority Leader, a title that exudes pure cuckery. He will never hold a position of actual authority, and the goodwill he once had from his masters has now evaporated. He is not only hated by the grassroots but also his former establishment cronies who are mad that the lobbyists will ignore them and not give them the time of day because the Democrats are back on top. Think of all the steak dinners, free drinks, and blowjob junkets they will miss out on because of Hall’s craven and pathetic mismanagement. This douchebag is a pariah.
I look forward to a serious primary challenger arising to oust Matt Hall in 2024. Hall won against his primary challenger this year after being awash in money as the golden boy for the elite. But the gold plating has been peeled off, revealing the true nature of what is underneath. The special interests will leave this turd dangling in 2024, ready to be flushed by a serious contender. I will personally give thousands to the noble cause of seeing Hall destroyed. Then he will be free to hang out with his alleged love child in peace, so his bastard seed does not have to live in complete disgrace.
Piss on this wannabe errand boy for the elites. Hey, Matt Hall: I SHIT ON YOU!
George ‘Karma’ Brikho
Nov 162022


I am proud to announce the formation of House Bill 6474, legislation that would ban attacks from municipalities against the medical cannabis system.

The bill stops local communities from passing any ordinances that would do the following:

  • Restrict caregivers from hosting/receiving patients
  • Require permits to grow at one’s residence
  • Restrict outdoor grows if they are in compliance with the requirements of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008
  • Restrict square feet of an indoor or outdoor grow
  • Require an inspection
  • Require any fees
  • Restrict limits on plants or possession of product that is fewer than the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008
  • Restrict grows to any accessory buildings, detached garage, barn, any other building on the same or adjacent property of the residence of the caregiver from having a grow
  • Restrict or imposing a fee to dispose of organic material specifically from a cannabis plant
  • Restrict caregivers or limiting caregivers as to the right to grow for patients at their residence
  • Classify caregivers as a “home occupation” or similar designation

Thank you to Representative Steve Carra for stepping up and doing the right thing and getting this bill introduced. We are building the foundation for pro-caregiver legislation to take hold in Lansing. The Michigan Caregivers Association (MCA) has been toiling behind the scenes to get this legislation introduced.

We pushed for it to be introduced this year to upend any scheming and plotting that may be going on with corrupt lawmakers and lobbyists during the lame duck. We wanted our vision known for how medical cannabis and the caregivers system should be regulated. It should be regulated to help the medical patients and their caregivers above all else. Government officials and law enforcement cannot go backward to the days of prohibition. These policies have failed, and prohibition cannot be rebranded with the caregivers and medical patients demonized.

Unfortunately, many Hydro stores and other industry organizations have not had our backs throughout this fight. The Michigan Caregivers Association has largely been funded by me, and I have continued to fund the MCA even as we have hit a recession. Hydro stores are hurting because of various economic factors. Big corporate weed is coming out to stomp on the small growers. Caregivers are living in fear as law enforcement are encouraged to raid more small grows due to the lobbying efforts of villain groups like the Michigan Cannabis Manufacturing Association (MCMA).

Through our hard work and dedication, the MCA has tossed out Steve “Little Dick” Linder from his position within the MCMA and forced him to essentially resign in disgrace. Mr. Tiny Dick has been in the news as a disgraced dark money lobbyist connected to coke-and-whores incest fiend Lee Chatfield, the former GOP House Speaker. He has been flushed like yesterday’s shit, but the MCMA is still very dangerous. They have former LARA regulator Shelly Edgerton running them now, in a clear conflict of interest that makes a mockery of ethics and transparency, as well as Democrat spin doctor Mark Fisk, who is directly tied to Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

The MCMA is still dangerous and still plotting to destroy the rights of the caregivers and create their Big Weed monopoly. If they are not plotting their takeover during the lame duck, then they are certainly lobbying newly-elected lawmakers to get them on board with their sinister agenda. The fight will continue onward through next year and beyond. Those who care about liberty and justice need to be willing to fight alongside us. We cannot roll over and let the cannabis industry become like every other monopoly in Michigan, run by corporate greed. You can donate to help the cause here.

Additionally, feel free to check out my deals at Edenz Hydro. You can buy your Hydro supplies from providers who don’t care about the caregivers and have given up on the cause OR you can buy your supplies from me at better prices. The choice is clear. Check out the best deals I have available here. Buy online or join my webstore. These are tough times and we all have to support each other. Support small businesses. Support good people who care about the community. Don’t let your hard-earned money go into the pockets of corporate vultures who will happily sell you down the river. Keep our communities strong. Keep the fight going. Daddy has got your back.

Shop Edenz Hydro!

Support the Michigan Caregivers Association!

Big George

Oct 192022

Hello, Friends!

I have been really busy soldiering through the recession and fighting back on behalf of the caregivers, but I needed to give my opinion on Proposals 1, 2 and 3.

These proposals are designed to empower career politicians, allow election fraud, and facilitate the satanic murder of babies in the womb. Each one is worse than the next.

Proposal 1 guts our current term limits and would allow State House Representatives to double their terms. State Senators would be allowed to serve one extra term. Lawmakers could serve a total of 12 years overall in the House and Senate, but since most House members don’t ever make it to the Senate, it will not apply to them. It just makes it harder for us to throw the bastards out once they are in there, and keeps the new blood out.

Is it any coincidence that the Lansing lobbyist elite is going after term limits at a time when the grassroots is enraged, awake and mobilized like never before? Of course not. This proposal must be rejected and the scum lobbyists must be given the finger by Michigan voters.

Proposal 2 is a nightmare proposal that would make all of the problems with the 2020 presidential election that much worse. This law would mandate it so that ballot harvesting would be explicitly legal, signature verification standards would be removed, and mandatory voter ID would be banned by the state constitution.

In addition, it would allow far-left woke corporations to come in and buy crucial election infrastructure. This is privatization at its worst. There will be drop boxes at every corner, allowing ballots to come in without any standards, and unleash an orgy of fraud. Anyone who cares about election integrity must oppose Proposal 2.

As bad as Prop 1-2 may be, they do not hold a candle to Proposal 3. Prop 3 is an incredibly satanic measure that would lead Michigan down the path of Sodom and Gomorrah. It would allow abortions on demand up until the moment of birth. All a woman would have to do is say she is experiencing “mental anguish” and then an abortionist could murder the baby in the womb even after nine months, crushing its skull and selling its organs for medical research.

Prop 3 would also allow the parents no right to know that an abortion is being performed on their underage daughter. Under this law, any individual who assists a child in getting an abortion would be non-liable for any criminal act under law. A rapist could send his victim to get an abortion, literally killing any evidence of the heinous act, and then allowed to get away scot free under the provisions of this despicable proposal.

Making matters even worse, Prop 3 also allows children to be drugged with puberty blockers, better known as chemical castration, without the knowledge of the parents so they can be prepared for their so-called gender transition where they are mutilated, scarred, deformed and left a shell of a human to commit suicide. This proposal is a panacea to pedophiles, murderers, predators, rapists and other dirtbags who deserve to meet justice in the street.

And, if you are in Oakland County, vote NO on the Transit Tax proposal as well. This transit tax is proposed by County Executive Dave “Where the boys at?” Coulter and his puppet master County Commission chairman David Woodward. It raises property taxes by $66 million annually, removes opt outs from the SMART bus system, and expands a mass transit disaster that is bankrupt and already obsolete. It will be the first step toward a regional transit system that will allow thugs to come up into Oakland County and cause trouble in the name of equity and social justice.

Make sure to GET OUT AND VOTE and vote NO on all these shitty proposals. These proposals are power grabs from the elites who have no respect for us, spit in our faces, and then think we are dumb enough to vote for our own destruction. Lets prove them wrong. Reject the proposals, reject perverted far-left politicians, and restore our nation’s liberty in the voting booth this November.

George Brikho

Sep 252022

With their legislation stalling, Big Weed has a new scheme that they are enacting against caregivers and medical patients.

First thing they want to do is to cut off licenses in order to protect themselves from competition. They want to protect their investment and keep others out of the market and deprive them of the same opportunities they have had in order to rein in the monster they have created.

As we at the Michigan Caregivers Association have exposed, this is the system that the Big Weed gang wanted. We told them what would happen with unlimited Class C large-grow licenses. It would saturate the market. Now, that has happened, and they want to cut off entrepreneurs and competition to protect their monopoly. This is not how it works.

The Big Weed gang does not deserve to be bailed out from their own poor decisions. Right now, there are many problems with the industry, but it is working for the consumer. At a time of widespread inflation, cannabis consumers are enjoying quality products at lower prices. Why is this considered such a problem that Lansing needs to get into gear to solve?

Lansing should be working to give Michigan residents relief in the form of lower prices to many different industries. If anything, the cannabis industry should be the model. It shows what happens when an industry flourishes. It works for the people. The bountiful supply of products are delivered to the people at a decelerating cost. This is not something that Lansing should be concerned about.

What makes it sad is that even people in the industry – well-intentioned advocates for medical cannabis and the Michigan cannabis industry in general – have been taken in by the proposed license moratorium. They believe it is necessary because the rich guys can continue taking losses and will just swallow up the industry. In actuality, the rich guys benefit more from the lack of competition than from losing money in a recession-like climate.

The marijuana industry is a sophisticated one where the consumers are educated and intelligent about the products they enjoy. There is constant innovation and the consumers will go out of their way to seek out the best quality product. There is also a natural hesitancy toward the establishment and corporate enterprise considering cannabis was made illegal and driven underground for so long. This is a climate where the best growers can survive. If there is any policy that the legislature needs to remedy the cannabis market, it is opening it up for caregivers’ product to be enjoyed in the recreational industry. 

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturing Association (MCMA) is happy to accept the moratorium. Their preferred system as they have made it clear publicly is one that brings back prohibition. She wants cops once again busting down doors and running a Gestapo operation against home grows. But this time, it will be to protect the Big Weed corporate monopoly and snuff out their competition.

“Illicit sales remain the main way Michiganders get their cannabis…there is also a growing number of licensed cannabis operators providing illicit or untested product,” Edgerton said in a statement from the MCMA. “We can help address these two pressing issues by cracking down on the illicit market and ramping-up enforcement statewide.

She wants “licensed cannabis operators” to be raided by uniformed thugs. During a time of increased violent crime and recession and limited resources, she wants cops to focus their time, effort and energy on cracking down against caregivers and other licensed growers because they provide a better product than the individuals who are paying her off.

Do the state police work for Edgerton and the interests who pay her, or do they work for the people? It’s worth noting that Edgerton was one the director of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) where she oversaw medical marijuana regulations. She has cashed out on her connections and access in government after leaving the state bureaucracy, a revolting example of Lansing’s revolving door of corruption in action.

On every issue, it is the same story. The caregivers are under the gun by the avaricious corporate monopolies who have made the wrong moves. They have miscalculated, and now they want the power of government pointed at their smaller competitors. They want potential competitors kept out of the marketplace, and they want police to be their hired gang of thugs to enforce their takeover. Our message to well-intentioned activists who care about caregivers, medical marijuana, and the need to keep corruption out of the cannabis industry: DON’T ACCEPT THE MORATORIUM. DO NOT BE TRICKED AND GASLIGHTED BY THE LIES OF BIG WEED. STAY STRONG, STAY THE COURSE, AND MAY THE BEST PRODUCTS WIN.

Jul 132022

Another week has passed, and there is more good news for the caregivers.

Lume announced earlier this week that they are shuttering four of their storefronts. Lume is one of the largest dispensary networks in the state, and they abruptly announced they would be closing their shops.

Lume made the announcement on Monday through its public relations firm Byrum & Fisk. Remember, it is Mark Fisk who supplanted Steve Linder as the head of the Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association. This is the monopoly group at war with the caregivers trying to mandate total control of the state’s cannabis industry through onerous legislation.

Lume is owned by Bob and Don Barnes, who are the owners of Belle Tire. They could be nice well-intentioned guys for all that I know, but their lack of understanding of the cannabis industry has caused them some hardships. They came into the industry looking to make money, looking to maximize profits, and trying to corner the market. At some level, I can respect the hustle, but overambition and lack of understanding of the cannabis community has hurt them.

The storefronts offered by Lume are clean, well-maintained, professional and impressive. The supply, however, is lacking. The prices are often exorbitant. In an industry that is experiencing massive deflation, the model pushed by the Barnes boys is completely nonviable. Why would a consumer who can buy some nugs from his local dealer cheaper than ever waste his time on overpriced nugs that do not compare in quality to what is offered through the black or grey markets? It just doesn’t make sense.

Cannabis consumers were used to buying from their dealer for years as they heroically used civil disobedience to undermine prohibition. They have no problem going back to that model, which has proven to be effective and built the cannabis industry into America’s top cash crop, rather than pay exorbitant costs. The caregiver model replaced the black market in Michigan and was effective because it did not overregulate the market. People could grow in their homes, and the overages could end up in medical marijuana dispensaries. This system worked for everyone, except of course for the tax man.

During the golden age of medical marijuana dispensaries in the early years after medical marijuana was legalized, there was immense innovation. The prices were low, the consumer was happy, but plenty of entrepreneurs were making money during a time of recession and tremendous economic uncertainty. And contrary to the propaganda spread by cops and other reefer haters, there were no problems that were being caused in communities. An industry was booming, and it would have kept booming, except for the regulations that came in.

The marijuana industry is fueled by a core of people who have great loyalty to growers who they know provide the best product. They would never buy corporate weed in a million years. There is also the problem of unlimited Class C licenses. Myself and my former lobbying group, EverGreen Management, argued to cap these Class C licenses. We were ignored by the lawmakers. They spit in our faces. They listened to the Big Money Bastards, and now we are all suffering as a result.

The problem with giving the government regulatory authority over an industry is they do not stop at sensible regulation. They will use whatever initial sensible regulations to get a foothold in on an industry, and before long, they and the interests who own them dominate it. There are many other industries (think Energy, Beer & Wine, etc.) that operate under this sort of monopoly. But cannabis will never be one of them. Too many lessons have been learned during prohibition. Too much sacrifice has been made for it to be swallowed up.

This is why the corporations find themselves at an unexpected impasse right now, and they are finding their economic power is rapidly waning in Lansing when lawmakers see the industry hemorrhaging cash Those of us involved with the Michigan Caregivers Association (and all similar-minded activists who have been in the trenches fighting the takeover) helped put a chink in the armor of the bad guys. We put up the road block that caused them to stumble. And stumble, they have. The national recession has not helped them, but it is their own greed that was ultimately their undoing.

As much as we would like to take absolute and total credit for their failure, they have been their own worst enemies. They saw the cannabis industry as nothing more than cash cow that they could corner and milk endlessly for their own delught. The corporate villains came into Michigan looking to gang rape another industry. Instead, they have realized that there are limits to their ambition. We saw it with Terrapin, and now we are seeing it with Lume. This industry will always belong to this people, and the corporate raiders are finding it out about the consequences of trying to overthrow it.

At Cannabash over the weekend, we heard that the booths for High Life and Skymint were eerily dead. These firms have taken massive reputational hits for selling out the caregivers and being part of the corporate takeover of the Michigan cannabis industry. The rebel spirit within the cannabis industry is still alive, and educated consumers can make a big difference. From the chatter to the boycotts to the legislative fights to our aggressive media campaign to expose the monopolists, it is all coming together to have an amazing impact.

The caregivers are suffering right now, but ultimately will win because they provide the best product. Through the compassionate relationship between caregivers and their patients, they know how to tailor the product to the unique needs of the individual. The recreational system cannot compete with that. The love behind the caregivers system is something to behold, and educated consumers will continue to appreciate that and reward that proven system as the corporations fall.

There is a place for dispensaries but only if they operate under honest principles within the marketplace and work alongside caregivers. There is enough demand for dispensaries to give convenient options to casual cannabis users while caregivers provide the best quality product to true connoisseurs and medical patients who need it. But there is no room for the corporate kingpins who hate competition and hate liberty. They will be snuffed out, and this is just the beginning of their end.

Jun 202022

Last week, it was announced that Rep. Jim Lilly would be retiring from the State House of Representatives.

It was an abrupt announcement that took everybody by surprise. As of July 1, Lilly will be out of Lansing and working as a lobbyist for supermarket giant SpartanNash, serving as their vice president for government affairs.

“This is a great opportunity to help move this entire country forward on issues related to labor shortages and supply chain challenges,” Lilly said.

Lilly said he is leaving office because “this is the right time to make the transition to work on these issues in the private sector,” but everyone knows this is a lie. Lilly was likely tipped off that he was photographed snorting a line at a lobbyist-funded party next to Lee Chatfield, the incestuous party boy who once ran the show for the GOP in Lansing, or saw video of himself balls deep in one of Detroit’s finest strippers, a time-honored tradition for Republican lawmakers on the take.

Nevertheless, for whatever reason that Lilly is gone, it is great news for the registered caregivers and medical marijuana patients throughout the state. The Michigan Caregivers Association, a group of which I am proud to serve as President, would always go out of our way to take a big fat shit on Lilly. Not because he was noteworthy, talented, intelligent, charismatic or otherwise worthwhile, but it was because Lilly was the personal champion of the legislative package, HB5300-02, bills designed to annihilate the medical marijuana industry in Michigan.

Lilly has fallen victim to the Brikho Curse. This is what happens when karma bites the ass of these losers who thought that they could steamroll over the medical marijuana industry. I am proud to be part of the most righteous industry in the state of Michigan.  The forces of the universe are definitely on our side, even if the money and the power is not. When you fight against medical cannabis that sustains thousands of patients and allows them to live with dignity through the use of a cheap, bountiful, highly-effective medicine, there will be severe karmic repercussions against you in this life and the next.

No doubt the dirt about Lilly will be coming out in the near future, and he will join his buddy Chatfield in the Hall of Disgrace of reviled Republican predators hated by the people and live his life in permanent shame forevermore. But Lilly is far from the only man who has suffered from the Brikho Curse. Take my favorite punching bag, Steve Linder, as another example. Linder, through his immense arrogance, thought he could come in and muscle through the “Big Weed” monopoly legislation while everyone was sleeping. Instead, he was greeted with a massive spectacle that put him and his seedy reputation in the limelight.

Linder’s clients thought they were hiring a smooth professional who could quietly and effectively grease the wheels of the legislature in order to enact their sinister cannabis monopoly with little fanfare. However, what they got was a man way past his prime, an individual who peaked decades ago. They got a man tarred with scandal, who molded Lansing into a den of iniquity. What the Michigan Caregivers Association did was transform the debate from being about patient safety from being about a massive lobbyist power-grab. Our narrative resonates with the people. The public knows about the orgy of Dark Money that runs in our state Capitol. They are not naïve. They may not have known Linder by name but they know there are villains out there regularly undermining our democracy for profit and payouts.

But after the Michigan Caregivers Association’s successful education and outreach efforts, more people knew of Linder’s name than ever before. A messy battle behind the scenes and in front of the cameras resulted in a stalemate, with “Big Weed” monopoly legislation HB5300-02 stalled. Too many lawmakers knew what the underlying agenda was going into these bills, or they feared retribution from the organized and effective and ruthless cannabis community that were out to prevent yet another corporate gangbang, this time at the expense of the caregivers.

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturing Association (MCMA), the wannabe monopolists, eventually grew tired of Linder and his ineffectiveness. At first, they allowed him to bow out in a manner as to avoid disgrace. The MCMA gave a Democrat-affiliated lobbyist Mark Fisk (learn more about him here) the title of co-Executive Director with Linder, relegating him to subordinate status. Linder was meant to sit down, shut up and know his role. But having already been disgraced in this fight, he could not do so. Linder took his wounded ego to MIRS where he said his final act as a lobbyist would be to defeat medical cannabis. This has clearly become personal for Linder, and his own personal legacy is now tied to destroying the caregivers system. Linder made it clear that this is his hill to die on, and pissing in the faces of medical cannabis patients across the state of Michigan will be his last crusade before retiring.

“When I was asked to do this, it was very strategic. I was the General Consultant for the Senate Republican Campaign Committee…This is the first new industry Michigan has created in 100 years…I needed permission to do this because the general consultant of the caucus couldn’t be on the other side of the issue…I was allowed to do this as long as it was done in a way that would provide cover…We are reverse-engineering the marketplace,” Linder said while appearing on MIRS.

As Linder was blabbing, he was inadvertently revealing how destroying medical cannabis was a top-down mandate from elitist controllers. Linder plotted in secret with Senate Republican leaders and their financial backers to receive the blessing to take over the cannabis industry. It is as bad as it seems, with major Lansing players plotting in backrooms, the same individuals who urged for decades to throw cannabis users in cages, to take control over the industry that they tried to stifle at every turn. It is a naked, egregious example of the worst type of government-corporate collusion imaginable, and Mr. Big-Mouth-Little-Man Linder owned up to it in a public forum.

And apparently Linder’s masters were outraged by his display, because shortly after the MIRS interview, they cucked Linder even further. The MCMA took away his ceremonial title of “Executive Director,” forcing Linder to resign, and demoting him to the title of “senior adviser,” meaning that he’s a little bitch who they can call on to run errands for them every now and again if so needed. This is a damage control mechanism. They are just keeping Linder around for everyone to save face, but the façade is rapidly crumbling.

In actuality, the corporate cannabis industry in Michigan is self-immolating. Their greed has gotten the best of them, as seen with Terrapin’s operations shuttering in the state. They saw cannabis as a cash cow and thought they could come in and gobble up all the profits, but cannabis patients are too smart to allow that. They preferred to grow their own or receive their medicine from a trusted caregiver rather than sell out for an inferior product. The outlaw nature of the industry has taught many lessons to cannabis patients. They know which growers are bringing the fire and reward them accordingly.

The times are tough, but karma is clearly on our side. More will fall to the Brikho Curse, and the last men standing will be the tough, the righteous, the resourceful, and the innovative. We will survive, just like we did through prohibition, and our enemies will be brought to their knees. Watch out, Matt Hall, and others who are standing in line to serve this corrupt system. Justice is coming, and you will be next to circle the drains with other enemies of the caregivers who thought they were untouchable but learned a hard lesson otherwise.

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” 

Martin Luther King Jr.

Keep growing, my friends.


Your Friend
Big George

Jun 142022

This weekend, Terrapin, a national marijuana giant, announced that they will be closing all of their operations in Michigan effective immediately.

Terrapin was one of the wannabe cannabis monopolists operating under the umbrella of the Michigan Cannabis Manufacturing Association. They are one of the many big money firms who thought they could waltz in, take over and rake in the cash while putting their competition out of business with government force.

They thought wrong.

Many individuals with business sense (or common sense) who have been in the cannabis industry for longer than a cup of coffee could see this coming a mile away. If the corporate cartel had any foresight, they could have taken simple supply and demand into account. Instead, they were too busy trying to gangrape the industry at warp speed to take a second and think straight.

When I founded Evergreen Management along with my partners in 2015, we fought the good fight to stabilize the medical marijuana industry. There was an attempt to regulate the caregiver system out of commission, and it was rapidly gaining momentum. We were able to insert ourselves in the process and throw a wrench into it. It’s what we do best. We gummed up the works, and the problematic bills in their initial form were killed.

The legislative process is never perfect, as a matter of fact it is always ugly and muddy. We eventually landed at compromise legislation that enacted some rules and regulations on the medical marijuana industry but none were too onerous and the industry could remain intact. That was a huge victory for us, and one that is often unheralded. We do not like to brag, but we put up the time, money, effort and capital to save the industry. We stepped up when it mattered most.

Another major project for Evergreen was  proposed legislation that would have capped Class C licenses. Some accused us of trying to institute protectionist measures and control the industry. But what we were really doing was trying to save the industry. Too many Class C licenses would allow for an overabundance of product, putting everybody in jeopardy. Without a cap, it would free up every greedy interest to come in and overproduce in an attempt to maximize their profits without taking anything else to concern.

If the proposed Evergreen reforms had gone into place, the caregiver system would have been protected, and there still would have been room for the big money players to come in and make money after legalization as well. Only, they would have had to innovate and provide products and services preferred by the consumers. They preferred the government-granted monopoly route. We remember what lawmakers dropped the ball and folded to the pressure. Shame on you for what your weakness has wrought on a noble industry.

While it would be easy and fun to shit on Terrapin and laugh about their immolation in Michigan, the unfortunate reality is that many people lost their jobs amidst a recession and massive inflation because of their failure. Many more will lose their jobs because of corporate greed and how it is enabled by our reprehensible and soulless elected officials of both parties. Lawmakers in Lansing refuse to pass legislation protecting the caregivers and putting caps on corporate raiders who want to come in and swallow up the industry. It is beyond sickening.

The Michigan Caregivers Association has sent a caregivers’ rights survey to all elected lawmakers and prospective lawmakers during this 2022 election cycle. The MCA wants to make sure that we get individuals into office who care about individual rights and want to save a sustainable industry from being cannibalized by Big Business. The MCA knows the recipe that will get Lansing to break: sustained public pressure and the possibility of losing their cushy jobs in the Capitol.

We learned during the Evergreen Management days that treating lawmakers like they are human beings, talking with them, educating them, supporting them, holding their hands, giving them pleasure rather than pain, is largely a dead end because there is always someone with a bigger checkbook coming in from down the block, and these political whores will get on their knees for whoever has the most money. This is the nature of politics, and every elected official in Lansing, with only exceedingly rare exceptions, falls into this category.

This is why caregivers, medical marijuana patients, and other advocates for this industry need to have the correct mindset. Our lawmakers do not want to learn about the healing nature of the cannabis plant and its transcendent power of the mind. Our lawmakers do not care about the negative aspects of prohibition and why it is a failed public policy that must be stopped in order to save lives. They only care about campaign contributions and getting re-elected. We cannot win the money game, but we can sure as hell make it more difficult for them to get re-elected by lobbying the public with the facts and the hard-hitting information that is being suppressed by the establishment.

The MCA’s tactics have worked at getting monopoly bills HB5300-02 stalled in the State House. The lobbyist agenda was exposed. The issue went from being about “public safety” to being about a crony corporate takeover. No mercy should be given while operating within this den of vultures. Only once we are feared will we be respected. Once we have cultivated that fear, the lawmakers will fall in line, and the caregivers shall be protected. This is the only model of success that is achievable. This is the only path toward victory, and I hope you will walk it alongside me.

Remember: These corporate cannabis kingpins will take down every small grower in their pursuit of the almighty dollar if we let them get away with it. They will blow the whole thing up because their indulgence is limitless. They will not stopped until there is a law in place stopping them, or if the public forcefully says no more. There is absolutely no reason why we should be gentle with these monsters, and the lawmakers who they control. We can sleep soundly at night only knowing that we used every tool at our disposal to win this battle. There is no honor in accepting defeat to the forces of pure evil. The time for war is now. Let’s be smart, let’s be cunning, let’s be ruthless, and victory shall be ours.


Viva la revolución,

Big George

Apr 262022

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association (MCMA), the “Big Weed” monopoly gang that is working to crush the medical marijuana industry in our state, has announced their new big lobbyist who will be working to realize their industry takeover.

After Steve “Dr. Evil” Linder was kicked to the curb (even though he is being kept in a nominal position in order escape public disgrace and humiliation), he has been replaced with Mark Fisk, a journalist turned political operative and communications expert. His firm, Byrum & Fisk, has handled communications for the MCMA for quite some time. Fisk will be taking an expanded role in the MCMA day-to-day operations after Linder failed. Essentially, Linder will be sat in the corner and emasculated in shame while Fisk really runs the show.

As I have frequently noted, Linder was the dark money pimp tugging at the strings of the corrupt Republican Party establishment for many years. Linder was wheeling and dealing with the likes of incest-accused scoundrel Lee “Coke and Hookers” Chatfield, helping Chatfield and his GOP partners make it rain nightly at various gentleman’s clubs on the 8 Mile strip. Fisk represents the other side of the political sewer in Lansing, serving at the pleasure of various Democrats.

Fisk was communication director for U.S. Senator Gary Peters when he served in the state senate during the early 2000s. He also served as press secretary for former Congressman David Bonior and was the political director for the majority caucus when the Democrats ran the state house after the 2006 midterm elections. He is renowned for his connections and his pull within state Democrat politics. He served as a spokesman for Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as recently as last year. He will no doubt be leveraging his deep connections in his attempt to crush the caregivers.

>You see, the MCMA thought that Linder and his avalanche of dark money could grease the wheels and get the legislation destroying the caregiver through while we were all sleeping. This did not work. We rose up. We brought the pain to lawmakers who were dancing with the devil known as Linder, and scared them off from supporting the gangster monopoly legislation. Now, they are trying a softer and gentler approach. They are going to work Democrat lawmakers and try to pull the wool over their eyes. There will be a new song and dance from this Fisk character, but we will not fall for it.

“We look forward to continuing our work with Stephen and the MCMA over the coming months to help ensure all Michigan patients and adult-use customers have access to safe, tested and high-quality cannabis products,” Fisk said in the MCMA press release announcing his hire. “Working together, we will continue to advocate in a bipartisan way for consumer and product safety and entrepreneurship in Michigan’s burgeoning regulated cannabis industry.”

Fisk is attempting to leverage his former work as a communications consultant for Proposal 1 in 2008, which was approved in an overwhelming margin by the voters to enact the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act and create the compassionate caregiver system, to dupe the public. Fisk may have done the right thing then, but then he sold his soul and went over to the dark side. He has been working with the MCMA for many months as they have worked to destroy everything that is good about the medical marijuana industry, pushing dishonest messaging in an attempt to enact a large-scale power grab. Fisk is a bad actor and cannot be trusted.

Do not trust any of the public relations spin doctoring that will come out of the MCMA in the days and weeks to come. Do not accept any half measures. If there are Democrats connected to Fisk who suddenly start spewing the MCMA talking points, they must receive an immense amount of pressure in order to make it clear to them that they have no alternative but to stand strong on behalf of the medical marijuana industry and the caregivers. Fisk will no doubt be working his Democrat connections to rally support on behalf of Big Weed bills HB5300-02, and we must stop his deceptions and his tricks before they take root.

Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum (Republican, Democrat or anything between), Fisk is not a man worthy of respect or admiration. He is the mirror image of Linder, even though he hides his dastardly deeds under a smoother veneer. Fisk led the infamous Committee to Keep Pot out of Neighborhoods and Schools, an anti-legalization campaign that spread propaganda to the public in order to keep prohibition intact back in 2018. He called for Republicans to legalize marijuana as a ploy to keep the question off the ballot, which would have allowed the legislature to come back and rescind their measure at a later date. Fisk pushed this sneaky plot, which was ultimately rejected by Republicans, as a pretense to deny the people their voice in order to satisfy his lobbyist backers.

Fisk is especially dangerous because of his continued involvement with Governor Gretchen Whitmer. He has not only served as her spokesman, but also as a front man of her affiliated dark money groups. Fisk served as spokesman for the Progressive Advocacy Trust, which spent $2 million to help Whitmer get into the governor’s office. Another dark money group, Build a Better Michigan, was cited for major campaign finance violations back in 2018. It has since been rebranded and reformatted as “Road to Michigan’s Future” for the upcoming election cycle, and Fisk is once again involved in these efforts. It should therefore be assumed that Fisk will be using his influence with Whitmer to harm the rights of caregivers.

We cannot take our success and momentum for granted. Yes, we got Steve Linder removed after exposing him, sullying his reputation, and now his balls have been cut off and he has to get coffee for his replacement after losing so hard. But the monopolists will never stop. That is why the Michigan Caregivers Association is establishing a permanent presence in Lansing, and we will be expanding greatly next year. We know nothing short of eternal vigilance will preserve our rights. Fisk will be working the Democrat angle in a similar manner as Linder worked the Republican angle. But these lobbyists, once exposed, cannot stop the people once we are activated. We will fight, we will succeed, and we will go on the offense against this attempted siege of our sacred freedoms.

Your Friend
George Brikho