Apr 092018


I have to alert you today about the atrocities that are happening in Syria right now.

Bashir al-Assad, the long-time President of Syria, was locked into a war against outsiders. These foreign terrorist groups were being armed with American taxpayer dollars by the CIA at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama to lay Syria to waste and make it a haven for radical Islam. ISIS was growing because of these policies. As soon as Trump became President, he reversed these policies. This allowed Russia to pulverize ISIS into oblivion.

ISIS is virtually wiped out because of the actions of President Trump, Vladimir Putin and Bashir al-Assad. God bless these three men and their heroism. They may not receive peace prizes in this evil world, but they will receive their glory in the next life.

Sadly, the fight is not over. There are interests out there – whether you want to call them the globalists, the deep state, the military-industrial complex, the banksters, or whatever – who want Syria to be laid to waste. They want a genocide in Syria like what happened in Libya. They want atrocities to happen in Syria like what happened in Iraq. All so they can line their pockets with blood money in the midst of the ruins.

The Syrians have suffered enough, and over this weekend, there was a false flag attack in their country. Although it was not covered by the western media, the Russians warned of the false-flag attack weeks in advance. The chemical attack happened in the region of Ghouta where they claimed the event would happen, bolstering the credibility of Russia’s prediction. The alleged incident was reported by the “White Helmets,” which is nothing more than a re-branded division of Al Queda.

World War III almost started today after Israel bombarded Syria, targeting Syrian and Iranian forces in the attack. Trump has vowed retaliation against Syria for unproven chemical attacks, and he has apparently bought into the lie this time around. This is the Cuban Missile Crisis all over again. The world is in peril, and we must not fall for the deception once more. We must not be drawn into another illegal, immoral, senseless war in Syria.

The Christians of the world must speak out and take action! Bashir al-Assad protects Christians from genocide in Syria. He is a secular leader who fights radical Islam. We owe him a debt of gratitude for fighting and defeating ISIS so valiantly. We cannot allow our corrupt media elites and deep state government officials to slander him, frame him for attacks that he clearly did not commit, and use that lie as a pretense to go into another war.

CHRISTIANS, IT IS TIME TO STAND UP! We have to stop an atrocity that will directly harm Christians. Christians in Iraq were ethnically cleansed from their lands following the War in Iraq. Libya went from Africa’s top country to a haven for human trafficking, terrorism, slavery and child abuse. We cannot allow that to happen in Syria. Please tell others about these facts I have brought to light and call President Trump.

Call President Donald Trump at 202-456-1111 and urge him to resist the propaganda. Tell him to stick to his instincts. He wanted to leave Syria a week ago, and now this false-flag attack has made him reconsider his initial decision. Tell him you voted for him to stand strong against the swamp, not to succumb to it. This is a make-or-break moment, and we need to tell Trump to stand for Syrian Christians and their protector Assad against the deep state and the war party. The future of the Western world may depend upon it!

George Brikho

Apr 102017


We were all hoping that Donald Trump was going to drain the swamp. His antics have encouraged us all, and his crushing victory over the political establishment last year was a watershed moment for the resistance. Nevertheless, Trump has lost his way on Syria. He ordered a bombing campaign last week that could very well help ISIS. We have to be careful to always support our President while simultaneously pressuring him to do the right thing when he goes astray.

Trump is making a very grave mistake in Syria by provoking Syrian President Bashir al-Assad. Assad is not who he is portrayed to be by the mainstream media. Assad is fighting Al Queda and ISIS in Syria, and he is a strong proponent of religious freedom for Christians. Christians can worship freely in Syria, unlike so many other countries in the Middle East. For this, Assad should be recognized as a hero. Instead, he is demonized by the globalists and other enemies of America.

Neocons and other warmongers point to Assad’s human rights record. It may be checkered. Saddam Hussein didn’t have the best human rights record either. The same can be said about Muammar Gaddafi. The neocons and warmongers called for those rulers to be removed from office as well, and it helped radical Islam more than anything. In Syria, the true enemies of America (the Washington D.C. swamp) want to give ISIS and Al Queda more power by starting war against Assad. These traitors know exactly what they are doing, and Trump is falling victim to their manipulations.

I can tell you from my family’s own experiences that a genocide against Christians has taken place in Iraq. Radical Islamists are to blame, but their murderous efforts have been aided immeasurably by American foreign policy blunders. Christian families that had been living in the region since the days of Jesus Christ have been wiped out or forced to flee. Saddam stopped this from happening as ruler of Iraq. Although he was repressive in many ways and did not tolerate dissent, Saddam also refused to tolerate radical Islam. He allowed Christians to worship freely as well. When American intervention got rid of Saddam, it opened the door for ISIS to slaughter thousands of Christians. The same thing is already happening in Syria, and it will get a thousand times worse with Assad out of power.

President Trump, your unprovoked and illegal strike of Syria was an act of war. This is not your mandate. You were elected to stop all of these ridiculous wars. You had said that the Libyan invasion was a waste. You criticized the Iraq war for many years. You urged Obama to stay out of Syria repeatedly back in 2013. We all know you are under massive pressure. We can only speculate about what the powers-that-be have shown you behind the scenes. We can only imagine how you and your family have been threatened by these evil powers, but you must stand strong.

President Trump, you were supposed to work with Putin and Assad to crush ISIS. No evidence has even been produced to the public indicating that Assad was responsible for last week’s chemical weapons attack in Syria. It could be a false flag, as it turned out to be after a similar situation occurred back in 2013. Middle eastern Christians were breathing a sigh of relief after you were elected, but they are now worried yet again. With U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley calling for regime change, ISIS is emboldened. Christians are in jeopardy. Purge the neocons from your administration immediately. It is supposed to be America first, not ISIS first. Stand with Assad and middle eastern Christians.

Feb 102017

When my family came to America from Iraq, it was to escape political tyranny. They were able to practice their religion over there as Christians. They were able to live in relative peace. They were able to feed their children, but it wasn’t enough. My family yearned for their rights as citizens to have political representation, to have the freedom to say their conscience without persecution, to have the freedom to know their vote matters.

What I witnessed a little over a week ago at the hands of the Michigan Republican Party and Oakland County Republican Party was the vicious RAPE of every American value we hold dear. The majority, which I was apart of, had their convention thrown out after a minority, as apart of a coordinated plan directed by Jeff Sakwa, co-chair of the MIGOP, surrendered on their Party and threw in the towel on their civic duty. He bragged to me personally how the convention would have to be re-done. But since they were the clear minority, they knew they would lose again. So they just did it to us Saddam style: pure gangsterism. And anyone who tells you differently is committing a blood libel.

At least the tyrants in Iraq were more honest and open about what they trafficked in. When one of Saddam’s goons stripped away your freedoms, you knew because you were living under a dictator. The Iraqi people had a self-awareness that Americans do not of the situation that was facing them. The dictators of the Michigan GOP hide their evil behind lawyers, phony baloney rules, red tape, deceptions, and obfuscations. They conduct themselves in public life as if they have common decency, but when behind closed doors, they desecrate and pillage you.

Quite frankly, these individuals are demons locked in a war against the Republic. I am a firm believer in the Bible, and know those words to be the divine creation of our Lord. Yahweh said that end times would come, and they are facing us right now. After looking into the eyes of these people face-to-face, I can tell you for certain that they have no souls. In the end times, 2 Timothy 3:2 stated that the people would be “lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.” I’ve seen all of the above from these corrupt abusive Republicans, and I am willing to see these devils to the gates of Hell to vanquish them if need be.

I vow that I will never give up this immense battle that I have waged against political corruption, but I cannot BS you today. These is no putting on rose-colored glasses for this atrocity. The vermin of the GOP makes the Redcoats look like angels by comparison. We are going to have to make very tough decisions if we really want to reclaim our liberties. There’s no two ways about it. We have to look ourselves in the mirror, see what we are made of, and heed the call just as the Founding Fathers once did.

With that being said, there is one man who is such a chicken shit weasel that I need to call him out personally. This man is named Ron Dwyer.

fat fuckin bitch
Baghdad Bob has nothing on this coward, Ron Dwyer. He is a propagandist with no honor, a man with no courage or fortitude. A man who is so weak and little that he gleefully lets a few frigid old hags boss him around. He needs to bow to these worthless hags, who are petty tyrants, in a futile attempt to give his sorry life some meaning. The Founding Fathers would have smashed this man’s hideous pig face in with the butt of their rifle, and laughed at him as he choked and cried, not even willing to waste one bullet on such trash.

Ron, when I look at my family every night, I can be proud that I am doing everything that I can to make their lives more free. When you go to bed by yourself every night, you do so as a miserable unaccomplished little speck of dirt of a man. That’s why Barb Harrell uses you like a two-dollar whore. She gives you a pat on the head, fills your ear up with complete nonsense, and manipulates you as her pawn. And the most pathetic thing about you, Ron, is that you live to be a puppet. You live to carry water for tyrants.

Make no mistake about it, Ron: You will rot in hell when you die, and deservedly so. Try explaining away your avarice and cowardice at the pearly gates, buddy. You’re not even smart enough to con folks in internet groups, much less our Creator. Even your establishment cronies won’t defend you after your latest shameful attempt to defame grassroots patriots. They’ll soon realize what an albatross you are, and kick you to the curb before long. Then you’ll be completely alone – too much of a dumbass to even function as a lowly sycophant.

Feel free to come find me at a convention if you don’t like that I have exposed you and called you out for your crimes against liberty. My guess is you will quiver in your boots behind little women like you always do – because you have no balls, shitbag.

Jan 252017


Officer Shot DetroitI am offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer of Officer Colin Rose.

My brother-in-law Kenneth Steil a Detroit police officer was recently murdered. This is devastating to my family, especially my sister and Kenneth’s two sons. We will carry this sorrow for the rest of our lives. Our only solace is knowing that the scumbag who murdered our brother will pay for his heinous act. Justice for Shark gives a little peace of mind to his loved ones.

Unfortunately, the Rose family does not have that satisfaction for Colin. My heart aches for their family. I pray for them often. Apprehending the coward who did this evil act will not bring Colin Rose back, but it will help Colin’s family and the community heal. We are not safe with this criminal on the streets.


Whatever your feelings for law enforcement are, cold blooded murder is not acceptable. As the business owner of the Jazz Club in Detroit, I appreciate all of the hard work of the Detroit Police force. Colin Rose was a great man. Police officers put their lives on the line for the community. These brave men and women help protect our neighborhoods, schools, homes, business ventures, and the city for our children. It is our duty as a community to stand up for the heroes that stand up for us.

Do the right thing. Please help the Rose family.  That is why I am offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the killer of Colin Rose. God Bless the Rose family. Justice for Colin Rose!!!!









Nov 222016

american-dreamThe American Dream is alive and well. Tons of hard working entrepreneurs are making lots of money. Lots of sick are benefiting from this natural medicine. The marijuana industry is booming business. Many people are stuck in a rut. They work a dead end job that drains their soul. Lots of people work for a company that makes a lot of money off of their backs while they make peanuts.

There are many opportunities in the Marijuana industry. Growers and caregivers have many exciting opportunities to be their own boss. They have the satisfaction to know that the fruit of their labors creates medicine for sick people. Cancer patients, children that have seizures, glaucoma sufferers, pain management, aids patients, and many people feel the benefit of marijuana. CBD can be extracted for children or others.  Gardening is the 1# hobby in the world. Co-Op grows are popping up providing massive opportunities for master growers. The cultivating provides many jobs for trimmers and people to prepare the medicine for the patient. Product is made into candies, baked goods, gummies, oils, vapors and other forms making it easier for some to ingest. Transportation is a new job in the industry. Many patients are not mobile.

All the growers and caregivers need state of the art equipment to grow the best medicine. Gardening stores are thriving and popping up everywhere. Edenz Hydro Gardening Store has 2 locations. They are superstores and are among the biggest in the world with a huge selection, low prices, and knowledgeable staff. Each of the Edenz locations have over a million dollars in inventory. Each store is on the brink of expanding again and another location is on the horizon.

All of the manufacturers of the growing equipment, fertilizers, supplies, and etc… are doing gangbusters. Huge facilities are producing the equipment sold in gardening stores. My fertilizer company Green Magic is thriving. Salesman of these products are needed. Huge distributors are also doing great. Drivers and transportation have benefited from this thriving industry. Construction of grow operations has helped contractors, construction, electricians, plumbers, and handymen. Licensed growers need expert help building grow rooms and facilities to assure the finest medicine. Compassion centers are great opportunities to bring many patients and caregivers together. Doctors and clinics are catering to the medical needs of patients requiring marijuana for relief.

With the new laws expect to see more dispensaries. Drive down 8 mile and see them everywhere. Vacant buildings are being utilized.  Unused buildings are now providing taxes for local municipalities. Eyesores are being rejuvenated to help beautify the community. The marijuana industry is the last of the free market.  Evergreen management fought in Lansing against Ron Boji and others that tried to hijack the industry and push out the small businessman. That did not happen. The job opportunities are amazing. Quit that dead end job. Be your own boss. Become a millionaire. Help others. Have great karma by providing pain relief for sick patients.

If you want to get involved in the fastest growing industry, contact me. I can point you in the direction that suits your passion and skills. Evergreen Management can help with rules, regulations, licensing, and municipalities ordinances.




Nov 202016


The internet has been buzzing about a crisis in Macomb County. Warren Mayor Jim Fouts left a cryptic message on his facebook page. The post claimed a Flint style crisis was brewing in Macomb County. The post caused a firestorm of interest. Other politicians quickly chastised Mayor Fouts. They claim he was causing an unnecessary panic. A press conference was held to sway fears.

What is the issue at hand? Freedom Hill was built on a landfill. The hill is actually garbage. The expansion at Freedom Hill allegedly did some damage to the vents. The garbage creates methane gas and leachates that can be harmful. The vents are supposed to diffuse the methane gas. Claims are that the gas is poisoning the neighbors and causing extremely high cancer levels in that area. The leachates can seep into the Red Run which is a tributary of the Clinton River that runs into Lake Saint Clair which connects to the Detroit River where most of the area residents gets its drinking water.

The beaches have been overrun with sewage and fecal matter for years. Is this connected? Is the feckless corrupt public works department connected? Were some shortcuts allowed at Freedom Hill to cut cost but put residents in harms way? Did all the DEQ reports and findings get properly filled? With all the corruption in Macomb County and the quick response by local politicians to cover it up it makes you wonder????

This should not be under a shroud of secrecy. The tax payers deserve that their government employees are honest and transparent. If children are at risk we deserve to know now, not before the children die or are sick. There are a lot of our Chaldean people in that area. Maybe thats why the local government does not seem to care? The city of Sterling Heights should worry more about the willful poisoning of it’s residents then playing reefer madness busting down people’s doors growing medicine.

Government works for us. They are not superior to us. They are our employees. Our employees should not be actively covering up something that may be a heath crisis larger then Flint.


Nov 172016

Donald Trump talked about “draining the swamp” in Washington DC. Washington DC is filled with corruption. Special interest groups, lobbyists, and career politicians control the agenda. Trump campaigned on cleaning up this mess.

In Macomb County the swamp is overflowing. The FBI is lurking in Macomb County. Rizzo is at the center of the investigation. New names are being implicated almost daily. Former Warren Councilman Chuck Busse, Clinton Township Trustee Dean Reynolds, Macomb Township Trustee Clifford Freitas, Chesterfield Township Supervisor Michael Lovelock, and Macomb Township Trustee Dino Bucci have all been connected to the corruption. Rizzo Executive Chuck Rizzo Jr. resigned amid the FBI probe. Rampant corruption plagued the Macomb County Public Works department. That was the main issue in that race.  The swamp is so disgusting in Macomb County the sewage backs up on the beaches.  This sewage is all connected to a mafia crime wave that inhibited true protection of our great lakes.

Anyone with a pulse and half a brain could see the layers of criminal activity that have occurred in Macomb County for decades. Rizzo has been at the center of this ugliness forever. The fact that Rizzo has a “Director of Government Affairs” pretty much sums it up. Joe Munem has been a unsavory character that has been a scourge in Macomb County forever. Munem has a long storied history of causing trouble in Warren and Macomb County. Munem is a RINO that has infiltrated the local Republican party and tried to turn it liberal and progressive. Chad Selweski and other so called reporters have provided cover for Joe Munem for years. The disgusting slob Munem has personally attacked Michigan Republican Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel. The Republican party must distance themselves from this pariah. Munem is a bad actor in every sense of the word. Munem is the king of the swamp. Swamp thing Munem has caused irreparable damage to the County.

Reports are that a insider from Rizzo has turned snitch. Many more names are coming out due to this cowardly rat. It is pretty obvious who is the turncoat. After scamming Warren, Macomb County, and Michiganders, Munem even turned in his fellow criminals that fed his crime spree. There is no honor among thieves. Taxpayers are on the hook for shady backroom deals. Poor performance and being ill prepared are the trademarks of these shady deals. All across the county municipalities are being screwed by these shady deals. It is sad that Munem may escape prosecution. The captain of corruption should go down with the sinking ship.

It is time to Drain the Swamp in Macomb County. Flush this turd Munem. Get rid of all the same old cronies that bilk Macomb County for millions. Clean up our water so that our children are not poisoned. Make Macomb County Great again!!





Nov 162016


There are lots of reasons to be optimistic about Donald Trump’s Presidency. This election was amazing. People are tired of the status quo. The Trump and Sanders phenomena showed that average voters do not trust the establishment. Both parties have stabbed the American people in the back. The elites are controlled by major banks and corporations. Special interest groups control the politicians. People are energized to DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Donald Trump was elected as an outsider. He promised things would be done differently in DC. K street and Wall street would no longer control Main Street. Change is needed as people are struggling to make ends meet.

Washington’s foreign policy has been an utter failure. Over a million Iraqi people have been massacred due to a flawed foreign policy. Our soldiers come home in body bags or badly injured. PTSD is an epidemic 22 soldiers kill themselves daily. Hillary Clinton and the military industrial complex are gearing up for WW3. Donald Trump campaigned as the dovish candidate as opposed to war hawk Hillary. We do not need more unconstitutional and pointless wars. We do not need to send our sons and daughters to die in Russia or the Middle East. We do not need to fund and arm ISIS to kill Christians. Donald Trump gave us hope that this horrible trend would stop.

It is alarming that Donald Trump has been considering staff members that have values and a track record opposite of the platform he ran on. John Bolton? Mike Rogers? Newt Gingrich? Edwin Meese? Rudy Giuliani? Chris Christie? Reince Priebus? etc….. These retread RINOs are exactly what Trump’s supporters rallied against. The idea was to drain the swamp not fill it up with more rats and garbage.

We must be vigilant. We must not let the same powers that be take over the Trump administration. We do not want Bush 3.0. The Chaldean community backed Donald Trump. We must not let him sell us out. We will not be used as pawns for the establishment. Donald Trump do not make us look like fools. We are watching. Now is the time to stop the madness. Lobby the Trump administration to put good people on the team. We will not sit back and do nothing. God Bless You All.


Nov 142016


The election was a major disappointment for the Oakland County Republican party. While Donald Trump had major victories all over the country, Oakland County went for Hillary. Donald Trump won Macomb County in a landslide. A Republican has not won Macomb county since 1988!! Donald Trump also won the state of Michigan. Michigan is considered a blue state and was an assured victory for Hillary.

Donald Trump is the perfect candidate for Oakland County. He is a hard working business man. Oakland County is filled with entrepreneurs very similar to Donald Trump. Oakland County has been traditionally Republican for years.

The Countywide races were an abysmal failure. L Brooks Patterson and Mike Bouchard were the only Republicans to win county wide. Their victories were alarmingly close. Their name recognition helped them eek out a win.

The company line will tout the seats that they defended. Look at where the effort went. The County party put it’s resources into protecting known traitors to conservative values. Facts show the long back stabbing voting record of these Benedict Arnold’s. Instead of holding these politicians that work for us accountable to their rat fink behavior, the County party treats these turncoats like royalty. Begrudgingly, as little effort as possible was put forth by the County GOP on the Trump campaign. Most resources were spent on double crossers while Donald Trump was treated like a pariah.

Pundits and pollsters were proven to be incompetent, unreliable, and purposefully misleading. They say that the demographics of Oakland have changed. That is the excuse the County party will use to be blameless. BUllshit! Blue collar union workers voted for Trump. Minority and ethnic groups voted for Trump more then previous Republicans. The Donald even did better with Spanish voters then Romney. God bless the Chaldean people for coming together in Macomb and shocking the world. So the excuse of changing demographics holds no water.

The successes in Michigan are primarily due to grassroots effort. Matt and Meshawn Maddock did more for the Trump campaign then the entire Oakland County leadership team combined. Change needs to be made at the local level. We need to drain the swamp here in Oakland County. Politicians work for us. They need to be held accountable. We can make a difference here at a local level. It is time to stop the local GOP that treats politicians like Kings and Queens. Do not bow to them. Stand up fellow Republicans. Clean House. Put the people back in charge. Stop the special interest groups from controlling the process. Make Oakland County Great Again! #weshitontheestablishment


Nov 122016

rallyThe Chaldean community saved America. Without the unified vote of the Chaldean community, Hillary Clinton is the President. For the first time since 1988, Macomb County voted for the Republican nominee for President.

The lopsided win for Donald Trump was a surprise to the system. Hillary’s campaign was confident that the blue collar county would be a huge victory. They did not take into account the Chaldean People.

Chaldeans are hard working, proud, people. Our work ethic is second to none. Many of us are entrepreneurs. We work hard for our families. We see that work ethic in Donald Trump. He is a hustling businessman. I wonder if Donald Trump has some east side Chaldean in him!!! His shit on them attitude is refreshing in today’s political climate. The politicians have neglected the Chaldean people. The ravages of the heartless politician’s wars has decimated the middle east. Hillary Clinton and the war mongering neocons have destabilized the middle east. The blood of over 1 million Iraqis is on their hands. Donald Trump gives us hope that the failed foreign policy of Obama, Clinton, Bush, McCain, Graham, and Bolton has ended. Too many Christians have been slaughtered. The Deceivers in Washington must be stopped. The war machine was gearing up to send our sons and daughters to kill Syrians, Russians, and starting WW3. Trump has the opportunity to not fund and arm ISIS like Hillary.

Government is in the way of small businesses. We see this daily. Donald Trump is a businessman and has dealt with government being a road block to his success. We love the American Dream. Through hard work you can be anything you want. The bloodsuckers and the government are trying to kill the American Dream. Many of our people came to America for the American dream. We love freedom. We want government out of the way so we can be successful. We do not need the government to hold our hands. Donald Trump gives us belief that the American Dream has not turned into a nightmare.

The Chaldean Community shocked the world. We can do anything. Nobody can stop the Babylonian Lion when it is on a mission. I am proud of my people. We will be vigilant to make sure we were not used by Donald Trump. We are optimistic that President Trump can stop the slaughter of our women and children and our industrious people can utilize the opportunity to provide for our beautiful families.

Thank you to my fellow Chaldeans. I love you all

George Brikho